Thursday, November 20, 2014

walked across the river once more to find what i once was to not be half as exciting as who i have become

fight you for your heart; fight against all the reasons for running away
stab you in your chest one last time i am relieved; to make sure the blood comes
you're such a classic psychotic headache medicine trickery; i am a clone
screaming do me do me do me take me to your bright lights so i can breathe
too young to forget what was happening, too numb to dumb to dazed and confused
your lipstick fades from the mirror as i bend the spoon
tomato soup tomato soup tomato soup
breaking your world in half
the monkey laughs; the monkey laughs just to see himself coming undone
wet from an evening beneath the stars...
he thought himself to be a train;
left a stain, left a stain, left a stain.

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