Friday, November 21, 2014

Thinking of Ferguson... and all those kids who are shot everyday that nobody reads, hears or cares about.

leave with no feeling in my bones
i'm going home; my golden throne where i am king
farewell to the messy sea and the messages inside the bottle
a cry for help i don't want to believe; i can hear them breathe

you can close your eyes right now and go to sleep
you are free you are free
to drown yourself in your own sorrows
free to walk off my bed and onto the floor
free to wake up feeling sore
free to scream at the top of your lungs
to feel the snowflakes as they melt on your tongue
to live your life as if you'll always be

through the water in my eyes i can see
the sky is blurred flourescent
as i begin my final descent...

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