Monday, November 24, 2014

i was a young man full of hopes and dreams

what's she transcending??
breaking through the edges of the plates
restless spirits climb through as pores dilate
she scrapes the skin from my heart so sick
immortality is your chance to be a dick;

do you really want to stay behind??
western eyes are smiling at you;
we’ve all heard about those memories… 
the moment she spurs your heart you know
you’ve been sucked into the vortex
there is no chance of escaping this time. 

you’ll follow her wherever she goes; day night glow in the dark..
following blindly like an animal into her ark…
the flames so bright your soul starts to melt, too late you feel her thighs…
to late to scream for help… you wanted to see a movie; you get what you paid for…
an orchestra of whores all ready to suck the juice from your bones.. nothing fancy
its all very cheap to enjoy fifteen minutes of fame… remember dancing
when you wake up in the morning, nobody will even know your name…

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