Monday, November 17, 2014

It's Not Easy Being Green

dressed in the sunlight in that long wisp of a gaze
no expression on her face she just stood there like a puzzle piece out of place
saying nothing to me and ripping holes in my frequency
the stars shine down telling me to not be afraid of anything 
i am blind and i doubt my own existence; these letters wild 

its a sign of someone beside themselves; an intimate inscription on my tomb
a curious bond that ties me to you; this abnormality in our souls being emptied
our paintings hung on a wall so neat as to distract the quivering so obvious
this revelation odd young shadows; is this me as i've come to realize
life goes on forever... life goes on forever

i sincerely believe the only way to listen to Oasis is backwards...
form a band in the end... form a band and call ourselves the beetles
its all about assumed indentitys you see; theres a message to be passed
"kiss my ass, kiss my ass kiss my ass"
there's a tragedy to be avoided; there's a stranger land to be a stranger in
do you know what we are talking about when we let you inside the labyrinth??

you do understand there is no turning back??
once you travel down the path of knowledge you can never forget 
what you have learned.. "what have you learned? what have you learned??"
you must destroy the evidence; many books to burn
never let them know the source of your magic
true magic exists.... so does madness.

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