Tuesday, November 25, 2014

To a slut in Uniform... ps i love you

This song... keeping me from exploding from all the feeling and emotions inside my soul right now. Sadness, anger, and a huge amount of sugar sprinkled with vermin... they have stormed the castle we built and now it is time to call in the exterminators... whomever they may be. i remember driving all the way to Ohio just to fuck your brains out... the problem with that is afterwards you were no good for conversation... slurring your words and saying things like "where are the children?? where is the coffee??" i had to explain to you twice that things just do not happen that way... coffee is not just made in a pot it has to be harvested, it has to grow... but you wanted instant gratification after i had drove eight hours in the freezing cold just to see your face... maybe you werent so compassionate afterall...  maybe you were just a slut and i dont have time for that in my life... farewell christopher columbus.

on a sidenote i later found out they do make instant coffee... and yes you still are a slut with the voice of an angel.  (and a soul so dark and haunted that i drank my coffee black)

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