Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day on journey: As an assistant in an art yet office setting, I’m often asked to provide information that at 1st glance is incomprehensible, but as time goes by becomes as free flow as Jazz

Me:  So, here is the opening line of the paperback edition of Angel Fire. ‘IT MIGHT be useful,’ said the rich womanly voice, ‘to model me as your guardian angel.’ - I believe this is what you asked about for the holiday cards?

Boss: No, I meant the one with the witch, not the angel.

Me: Witch Fire? (mumble to myself - yeah, more like Bitch Fire) I don’t think it exists – but if you want me to, I dunno there is Practical Magic, um

Boss: That’s it, that’s it - now tell me that one.

Me: Okay, well...

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