Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Born on the bayou: or how many videos can i fit into one blog post

Please believe me I know all about squeeze cheese and crackers and there is something to be said 
about a lobster giving you his head and in the morning you wake up and everything is red

  you can’t recall whose legs were spread but you know its not butter youre tasting in your mouth
 it’s the sour sound of regret and you may say that im naïve and yeah that would probably be true

this is what I said and this is what I did
but this is what was meant by both my actions and my lack thereof…

climbed down to the ocean to drown and try to memorize
the words she spoke before I lost my mind...

my grip on reality is fading fast my grip is slipping as they laugh
their lipstick that lipstick sick lipstick lightning flash

 and I know they do not exist I know I know I know
 my beautiful friend all I ever wanted was one last kiss

 one last chance to say nothing for hours and just fall asleep in your heart
forever asleep; a victim of the undertow

 In this storm I have become an angels and my wings are fire breathing lungs
I taste the world as it melts on my tongue

 I think I can touch your face tonight
If I keep going than I just might walk off the edge of the earth

 To the river to the river to deliver a message of love to the cosmos
I will keep falling forver and be haunted by your ghost
 This chance to be free to believe to know whats inside of me
This wine I breathe this song I sing

 Im drowning im drowning
Somebody come and pick me up

 Anybody… anybody see me floating in need of something to wake me up.
Cmon comn put on a little make up!!

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