Sunday, November 30, 2014

that time i wrote THUG LIFE on her leg and she continued to dream (oops i did it again)

Believin’ it too forever I journey through forever ain’t stopping me no never
the other little shits all elementary my dear being dirty wins everytime
 stop that shit flat on a dime spin out pump the gas spin out lightnig flash
looks like its gonna rain on your parade hope your bitch ass soul is saved
you gonna need to hold your tongue before I cut it out your mouth
keep talking that shit shits gonna travel south you slippin my man
  you know me and I don’t give a fuck what you think
get you wet and wash my dick in your kitchen sink
I am satans kid nobody done the wicked shit I did
these angel wings been clipped I don’t need to fly
I am your god and I am alive
hit me baby one more time

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Born on the bayou: or how many videos can i fit into one blog post

Please believe me I know all about squeeze cheese and crackers and there is something to be said 
about a lobster giving you his head and in the morning you wake up and everything is red

  you can’t recall whose legs were spread but you know its not butter youre tasting in your mouth
 it’s the sour sound of regret and you may say that im naïve and yeah that would probably be true

this is what I said and this is what I did
but this is what was meant by both my actions and my lack thereof…

climbed down to the ocean to drown and try to memorize
the words she spoke before I lost my mind...

my grip on reality is fading fast my grip is slipping as they laugh
their lipstick that lipstick sick lipstick lightning flash

 and I know they do not exist I know I know I know
 my beautiful friend all I ever wanted was one last kiss

 one last chance to say nothing for hours and just fall asleep in your heart
forever asleep; a victim of the undertow

 In this storm I have become an angels and my wings are fire breathing lungs
I taste the world as it melts on my tongue

 I think I can touch your face tonight
If I keep going than I just might walk off the edge of the earth

 To the river to the river to deliver a message of love to the cosmos
I will keep falling forver and be haunted by your ghost
 This chance to be free to believe to know whats inside of me
This wine I breathe this song I sing

 Im drowning im drowning
Somebody come and pick me up

 Anybody… anybody see me floating in need of something to wake me up.
Cmon comn put on a little make up!!

Day on journey: As an assistant in an art yet office setting, I’m often asked to provide information that at 1st glance is incomprehensible, but as time goes by becomes as free flow as Jazz

Me:  So, here is the opening line of the paperback edition of Angel Fire. ‘IT MIGHT be useful,’ said the rich womanly voice, ‘to model me as your guardian angel.’ - I believe this is what you asked about for the holiday cards?

Boss: No, I meant the one with the witch, not the angel.

Me: Witch Fire? (mumble to myself - yeah, more like Bitch Fire) I don’t think it exists – but if you want me to, I dunno there is Practical Magic, um

Boss: That’s it, that’s it - now tell me that one.

Me: Okay, well...

U-turn on journey: In reference to an earlier post about anatomy of which souls (are apart) or as best stated in the immortal words of Starship, “baby, we can make it if we’re heart to heart”

Tuning into a local radio station, I'm feeling slightly self-conscious upon realizing that I should’ve played a(n?) Heart song.  This truly was an oversight on my part and I sincerely hope everyone accepts my thoughts on the matter. It must be noted that I prefer lyrical questions such as, “is it cloak and dagger, could it be spring or fall?” to anything else in the world. I mean, it is these existential inquiries that have confounded human minds since the beginning of time before time immemorial.  

Day on journey: Amazing what first comes up when you simply say, “give me a song with heart in it”.

...or, do they know me too well. Now, I am aware that all good conspiracy theories begin with the word “they”, but it turns out, there are not many songs with the word ‘heart’ in the title, which I would not have assumed to be the case. I would like to dedicate the following to Ms. Justice Ginsburg (from the Justice League) recovering from surgery today and as I imagine is presently watching Downton Abbey and taking shots of Jack whenever someone speaks with a British accent. Cheers!

Day on journey: Remember the one, with the lasers shooting out of the eyes and all humanity was quarantined inside a pub in the Highlands?

Yes, only too well; recall that a wise man once said, “very, very frightening”.  This is not your mother’s ghost story (which one would that be - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir?), but this is still your personal tour guide here with you now only this time wearing a kilt; one of the long ladies ones if you will. Now, feast your ears on some traditional piping from the mad plaid estate aka Scotland.

Morning on journey: If it’s Wednesday, it must not be Belgium, because that was Tuesday – correct? Plus, British music from the 1960’s

Hello, this is your sky captain who will be wearing Chelsea boots (deal with it) on your personal music tour of all of Western Europe. Now on to England where all I know of this place is from The Avengers circa '65-68, particularly the episode where Mrs. Emma Peel and Steed go to that quiet airport and the first sound is the rattling of milk bottles on the back of a lorry. Did it have something to do with war ghosts? 

Morning on journey: Though change is set in stone some histories need to be rewritten, revised and re-invented. Ladies and gentlemen - you know it

Fact - A Madonna song was the first song I danced with a boy to if you don’t count ballroom in phys ed where I might have fox-trotted or waltzed around with one in the school basement.  And you apparently thought I couldn't even leave my house for the 12’ stacks of early 90’s fashion magazines that would fall down on my head. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day on journey: "I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about"

I like how it has just come to be called The Opera Song, because well, as that They Might Be Giants (not that one) song once expressed so eloquently, "youth culture killed my dog and I don't think it's fair". Now, this might be the best song you are going to hear all day.

Day on journey: On to a band named after a Debbie Gibson song and subsequent perfume that Erin from 8th grade English would spray all over herself

And so I said to lighten the mood, “well I’ll tell you what - I certainly do not want to live in a world without pumpkin cookies and grey angora bunnies named Fido.”

And you said – actually,  I don’t remember, I'm terribly self-absorbed. It might have been something like, - maybe we can just run away - again you were so serious all of the time.

I left the room, came back in the room and asked, “so, have you read any good memoirs lately?”

Night on journey: Pittsburgh film students riot and take to the streets to capture sound and fury (or fun and glory)

Sessions in basements in Buffalo. New York ink and daggers and shots in the dark - I drive all night just to get where you are, where you are - where are you little love? That old time voodoo that you do so well has cast a living spell on me and now I'm floating off into a movie that I've watched too many times.

To a slut in Uniform... ps i love you

This song... keeping me from exploding from all the feeling and emotions inside my soul right now. Sadness, anger, and a huge amount of sugar sprinkled with vermin... they have stormed the castle we built and now it is time to call in the exterminators... whomever they may be. i remember driving all the way to Ohio just to fuck your brains out... the problem with that is afterwards you were no good for conversation... slurring your words and saying things like "where are the children?? where is the coffee??" i had to explain to you twice that things just do not happen that way... coffee is not just made in a pot it has to be harvested, it has to grow... but you wanted instant gratification after i had drove eight hours in the freezing cold just to see your face... maybe you werent so compassionate afterall...  maybe you were just a slut and i dont have time for that in my life... farewell christopher columbus.

on a sidenote i later found out they do make instant coffee... and yes you still are a slut with the voice of an angel.  (and a soul so dark and haunted that i drank my coffee black)

Midnight on journey: Wait, which one drank poison again? Or it's all part of my Rock n' Roll fantasy

Recall these opening lines…

Sampson:  Gregory, o’ my word, we’ll not carry coals.

Gregory:  No, for then we should be colliers.

Well, I don’t need to tell you what this all leads to…Lust, love, open garden gates and through which pale light the shattered window breaks, as seen in the film go through that glass darkly and wear a cocktail dress all purple and sparkly.

It is only a fable after all...

Night on journey: When you wish upon a midnight dreary sing a happy tune about kittens in Mittens

All the world rejoices, for deep in the darkest space, where I am often lost and find myself accident prone, there is a small object that appears to be a "solid moonlet".  NASA's Cassini Solstice Mission discovered it living near Saturn's F ring. They named it "Mittens".

Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

You always whispered, you never really had a voice to say anything and be heard
everybody thought you were mumbling, just slurring your words after having too much to drink
now we are here in silence and i'm on top of your grave wanting to make love to your spirit
wanting to see your smile wanting to know wanting to have wanting to hold you in my arms
one last time... i know everything will be alright like bobby says no woman no cry
we must keep moving forward even as tears fill our eyes...
as the city turns to mourning, will the leaves continue to fall??
not sure what i feel right now... sadness can't possibly explain it all

Morning on Journey: After a disappointing loss for the visitors, a dark ride back home

Overcome by life events a few miles away, very important to remember, "it ain't real anyway".

Monday, November 24, 2014

the first time...

It was in this song, given to me by an indian princess, that I first heard your voice
Her name meant literally, ‘the mother of all gods’, and I felt sorry for her
What a burden that must be to know that all your children are gods
How do you discipline a god exactly??  They have no one and nothing to fear…

I remember her eyes, her lips… her nipples pierced and the love
I remember sticking my tongue down her throat in hopes that I might disappear
I remember the night she came into my room and whispered into my ear, “you are not alone”
I knew I was not alone I had made these ghosts from pieces of myself
I had relieved them all of their earthly duties so they could be free to roam

It’s a kind of magic we possess; never knowing any throne
We are neither kings, nor queens; we are simply servants of the mastery
The night I watched her get undressed
Felt myself explode inside her breath
I am the evil one responsible for her death…

This air she breathed into my lungs and gave me the light to burn through lampshades
In the cavern of lost souls the voices never fade.
In the night we go on our masquerade.. through the villages and the towns
On a search, for virgins making scary sounds as they dream.

“come come roam the cosmos with me!!” 

i was a young man full of hopes and dreams

what's she transcending??
breaking through the edges of the plates
restless spirits climb through as pores dilate
she scrapes the skin from my heart so sick
immortality is your chance to be a dick;

do you really want to stay behind??
western eyes are smiling at you;
we’ve all heard about those memories… 
the moment she spurs your heart you know
you’ve been sucked into the vortex
there is no chance of escaping this time. 

you’ll follow her wherever she goes; day night glow in the dark..
following blindly like an animal into her ark…
the flames so bright your soul starts to melt, too late you feel her thighs…
to late to scream for help… you wanted to see a movie; you get what you paid for…
an orchestra of whores all ready to suck the juice from your bones.. nothing fancy
its all very cheap to enjoy fifteen minutes of fame… remember dancing
when you wake up in the morning, nobody will even know your name…

Evening on Journey: Archival film of every last kiss is pretty Rock n' Roll

I specifically asked you what your favorite color was and you said - I think you said it was blue - and I was so ready for you to ask me mine, but you went with, "what's your favorite movie scene" and caught off guard, mumbled something about the montage of kisses from Cinema Paradiso, because, I don't know its good, maybe if I had more time I would respond differently. You see, I was so ready to reply that I had two favorite colors...

Twilight on Journey: And because not everything is about lost conversations and past loves

Sometimes you wake up from a day dream and realize maybe it is just about vampires after all

Day on Journey: Because not everything is about past conversations and lost loves

Sometimes it's about no justice no peace and society not really knowing where any body is from and shouting about how it does really know you or maybe that there is no you. Come to find, come to find just can't leave the 90's behind (how hard I try, I try).

Morning on Journey: Dedicated to a summer night in Lawrence, Kansas driving back into our hometown

The last time we went out together to hear music we stumbled into the Bourgeois Pig for some memories, gimlets, beer, coffee coffee and coffee - for an early morning ride back to Kansas City. We pretended we had a convertible when we rolled all the windows down and sang out all the songs from the stupid radio because - CD player broke - tape player broke - hey it was an old car but a fun night.

Morning on Journey: On driving in the rain and thinking about how some people have nightmares and others don't

You told me the reason you didn't continue with your fantasy of becoming an astronaut had everything to do with a recurring dream that you have and that you were told is a common one. You feel as if you are waking up in the morning when an elderly woman in the room is holding you down and you can't move. It is called night paralysis or something. Why this prevented you from being a space man is a mystery to me. Then, I said, once, but really just once I had a dream about hand towels; they were not my towels, were hanging in someone else's bathroom and I didn't recognize the place.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

maybelline's spit (tasted just like brown sugar should)

You said we were lovers and it felt pretty strange
To watch your head explode home home on the range….

Watched the deer and the antelopes playing the piano
Singing a song like we shared the same feeling through different veins
The same blood dripping from the ceiling with no need to explain
This moment was golden so we carried it to the store
The man behind the counter gave us 2 dollars and not a penny more…

Seemed like forever but it was only ten seconds long
The perfect riff the prefect time for a punk rock song
But then we needed some piercings… and a nose ring

 Needed a strap on I wanted a ding a ling
I wanted to know what it felt like to be
A buffalo in a field; knowing someday I’d be somebodys meal…
Are you hungry?? Horny?? Need a fix?? Just one fix??

“Never trust a junky”

 “the secret to time travel is to leave behind funny and outdated notiions such as sanity.”

 “Sanity does not exist… one does not simply dream up a flux capacitor while practicing voodoo
 No you have to be insane.. you have to be totally fucking fruit looped out of your mind…
I mean what the fuck is a flux capacitor anyway??”

 We are all mad here and I only write what I have dreamed… my reality is too exotic for words.
I could write volumes on all the tens 9’s 8’s 7’s and twelves I have had sex with
when I was younger and more vulnerable to the pleasures of my flesh, but what's the use?

 “These days I prefer to have sex with souls.”

(Sounds like something Dracula would’ve said had he had the time
to think of it before the sun rose upon his skin…)

 “haha johnny boy!! You may be bigger than Jesus but I am bigger than Count Chocula!!”

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thinking of Ferguson... and all those kids who are shot everyday that nobody reads, hears or cares about.

leave with no feeling in my bones
i'm going home; my golden throne where i am king
farewell to the messy sea and the messages inside the bottle
a cry for help i don't want to believe; i can hear them breathe

you can close your eyes right now and go to sleep
you are free you are free
to drown yourself in your own sorrows
free to walk off my bed and onto the floor
free to wake up feeling sore
free to scream at the top of your lungs
to feel the snowflakes as they melt on your tongue
to live your life as if you'll always be

through the water in my eyes i can see
the sky is blurred flourescent
as i begin my final descent...

Night on Journey: Sounds of hydroplanes and songs about people moving away from and towards each other

From one of our many conversations where you thought you understood and loved me, but then only wanted to kill me - and so you said that the reason I ever heard of this is because of The Darjeeling Limited and I said yes and that I was introduced to Lola on a Family Ties episode. Your eyes flashed a green/red color

Evening on Journey: And you asked about the significance of ghosts and saints

I gave you the lines of a man dead by twenty five, It went on like "St. Agnes' Eve - Ah, bitter chill it was. The owl for all his feathers was a-cold; the hare limp'd trembling through the frozen grass" the lines drip with lust, love, death, visions of saints and virgins falling asleep in hopes to meet their first true love. Drawn to this innocence and a tale as old as time we forget that only animals are truly innocent and the hunters come out at night.

Day on Journey: Wine and whiskey and talk of werewolves

I recall the Gorey poster you had in your hall. A is for Amy who fell down the stairs. B is for Basil assaulted by bears...and it went on and on until all the little children were overcome by some fate or another. And I now want to make a short film of this, maybe a musical. Across the room you start An American Werewolf in London, it is a good thing I can so easily be distracted, what havoc.

Evening on journey: NYC in the 1960's, this was before Escape from New York, so like ancient history

You played a slow voiced song, simple and absent. I remember how we talked of visiting a foreign land. A car speeds a few blocks away but everything else is quiet this evening. Good dreaming weather.

Day on Journey: Don't touch that dial - Rock n Pop will Live Long and Prosper

Too many nights where our mother moon was nothing more than a neon sign reflected in a mud puddle. Or as luck would have it, as we tried to escape for London, the plane got stranded in Detroit - were I left you and for all I know you are still on that landed plane in the Michigan airport. Me? I never made it to London either.

Day on Journey: In the dead of late fall, summer heat is just a Memory

Stage Direction: Musically, la la la mwa mwa mwa plays the soft viola..."Midnight, not a sound from the pavement - has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone. In the lamplight the withered leaves..." what the hell, why oh why is this person singing a song from Cats? I find the attraction like a hemorrhaging fever, irresistible at 103°, magical as we go higher and higher

Day on Journey: I can't even remember, did we meet at the movies?

The magic lantern show? Sun in sky, morning glory, just another sad love story

Thursday, November 20, 2014

walked across the river once more to find what i once was to not be half as exciting as who i have become

fight you for your heart; fight against all the reasons for running away
stab you in your chest one last time i am relieved; to make sure the blood comes
you're such a classic psychotic headache medicine trickery; i am a clone
screaming do me do me do me take me to your bright lights so i can breathe
too young to forget what was happening, too numb to dumb to dazed and confused
your lipstick fades from the mirror as i bend the spoon
tomato soup tomato soup tomato soup
breaking your world in half
the monkey laughs; the monkey laughs just to see himself coming undone
wet from an evening beneath the stars...
he thought himself to be a train;
left a stain, left a stain, left a stain.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

To Dance With Angels On Their Brooms

Feeling the angels bones bend as they fit inside my suitcase,
im going on a trip to the moon

im bringing my angels along for old times sake
ive got pictures to burn...

she's in trouble with the moon, he is not a nice guy
he is not a nice guy no more mister mister
take these broken wings and paint them green

in the noise is a mystry
in the noise is a mystery to be solved

as i step outside the spaceship and the ministry 
i put my tongue inside the lightning to hear your voice

nobody returns from the edge.... ive lost my mind no..?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day on journey: The Grand Illusion alluded to by dreamers, lovers and Huckleberry friends

On a lighter/brighter highway (Lite Brite Way or Rainbow Brite Viaduct) a great person once noted it may be easy being green after all, however it is not easy being blue-green algae.  

Morning on journey: For the times we forget the ones we used to love - I hope you are driving in a car on a road somewhere

I had forgotten much of you until this morning -You are your own person, a walking dead-eyed version of an original bad seed, or "just somebody that I used to know", but I'll call that one station in New Jersey and they may take a request, And we can drink and recall a few of the things we had in common. What is your number? Where is my phone?

Evening on journey: "and miles to go before I sleep" or returning to a Midwestern city in October (Truth be Told)

I-90 crossing Buffalo, we talked of everything from Disney-world-land to Ivy League rowing (idea for boating team name 2 Live Crew) and we drove along and a song came on and the only line you sang was "lie to me if you will, at the top of Barringer Hill, tell me anything you want...". And as I recall I always told the truth, but decided why not +lies=danger>fun, non?

Twilight on journey: On being stuck in a skyscraper elevator and needing some rock n' roll

Once upon a dark and stormy city pretty much every scene in the movie "Devil" was happening in real time and I thought it would be nice to  hear the non-muzak, non-Caribbean version of Black Hole Sun, just this once. I know, crazy!

Twilight on journey: In the city several years after the '80s and didn't feel at all like "Escape from New York" like we thought

Fun Fun Fun on the best coast until I left and landed in the city that (I think sometimes sleeps)  and I was in a friend's sister's apartment in Chelsea and thought of how I might dream big. Audition 1: "I have a feeling we're still in Kansas, Tonto" - "Man that's the wrong line" - "Oh, what the hell". If you look out on the horizon, the amber waves turn into oceans of memories...

Night on journey: Leaving California highways for eastern shores of black/white/grey

You said that it was an important moment in your life, and I knew that this was true and that I would be watching from the sidelines for your fame. When I left, I scribbled a poem down in my journal, some British one I think, but all I can make out, "beauty, midnight, vision dies"...yeah, so what are you doing tonight?

Day on journey: from the backseat at a drive in movie, California 101

The wellspring of youth keeps flowing on and on, it is television and art and film and pop music and lifestyle and literature and food and drink and that overwhelming conclusion"that is not it at all, that is not what I meant, at all". I said don't call me, and you didn't, I'll live

Day on journey: from the backseat of a '79 Mercury Bobcat...California 101

And a poetess describes eyes "like the sherry in the glass that the guest leaves" and I thought of that crisp fall California evening where, yes there was a chill in the air, but it was cool because there would be no winter to speak of.

Monday, November 17, 2014

It's Not Easy Being Green

dressed in the sunlight in that long wisp of a gaze
no expression on her face she just stood there like a puzzle piece out of place
saying nothing to me and ripping holes in my frequency
the stars shine down telling me to not be afraid of anything 
i am blind and i doubt my own existence; these letters wild 

its a sign of someone beside themselves; an intimate inscription on my tomb
a curious bond that ties me to you; this abnormality in our souls being emptied
our paintings hung on a wall so neat as to distract the quivering so obvious
this revelation odd young shadows; is this me as i've come to realize
life goes on forever... life goes on forever

i sincerely believe the only way to listen to Oasis is backwards...
form a band in the end... form a band and call ourselves the beetles
its all about assumed indentitys you see; theres a message to be passed
"kiss my ass, kiss my ass kiss my ass"
there's a tragedy to be avoided; there's a stranger land to be a stranger in
do you know what we are talking about when we let you inside the labyrinth??

you do understand there is no turning back??
once you travel down the path of knowledge you can never forget 
what you have learned.. "what have you learned? what have you learned??"
you must destroy the evidence; many books to burn
never let them know the source of your magic
true magic exists.... so does madness.