Friday, December 26, 2014

When i think of things i shouldn't i remember that night in Tennessee and it's weird... it really does take me to another place... (even if we were actually in the part of Kentucky which is considered a suburb of Cincinatti)

follow me through the fountains of Spain or Barcelona 
look at your legs look at your legs
theyre moving I’m moving
lets dance tonight and scramble the eggs 
lets scramble the eggs!! 
I cant wait to eat pancakes so soothing to touch the sky
...excuse me for a moment...

lets drink the water before the monster awakens 
his eyes full of tears; let him sleep tonight you know its insane 
this chance to escape through your eyes 
two sticks of dynamite soft soft skin the answer lies
the answer always lies... what was the question??

Thursday, December 18, 2014

To the sailors who come to riot and then realize that somethings are more important that a comedic appearance by a would be assassin named John Luke Harrison… baby I’m a star, please don’t ever forget this.

Somewhere in the middle of the desert there lives a quiet oasis...
inhabitated by one man and his spaceship made from rotten watermelon...
the whole thing stinks to hell... sorta like the whole immortality blueprint...
blue print... what are you erecting here??  a building or my penis??...
neither one wants to work today...
lazy bums have stormed the palace demanding my head on a silver plate....
"sorry i seem to have misplaced the keys to your kingdom"

Well the point of this post is to tell you sailors that your women come to me for love… 
you should stop neglecting your studies… practice makes perfect 
by this point in my career I should either be dead or a porn star… 
I could also be a politician, but your blue dress gave me a head start
kick start my heart?? listen to the wind blows... what does the wind know??
i stained the windows to her soul with my love... my sick twisted perverted love... love love
come into my parlor says the spider to the fly;  there is a test tomorrow;I just hope you survive… 
I want to see you smile, but truth be told I love her lips and im only happy when it rains.

Willy's back ya bitches!!  Merry, Merry, Merry!!! 

To the beetle who crawled around my feet last night in some bizarre ritual of sanctification; was your name Paul and are you dead??

what year is this 1966??
is the lady still singing in the rain?

soaking wet she comes to me looking for answers...
when asked to solve life's mysteries; or to advice others on their spiritual quest
I often think of that awkward conversation between David Bowie and Bing Crosby,
just before they launch into a stirring rendition of Li'l Drummer Boy…  
(on a shelf in my studio there lives a little drummer boy, 
he is dwarfed however by one of my many Gene Simmons action figures… )
oh boy the tongue on that guy, to say that rock is dead… 
my new years resolution is to forgive Gene Simmons his opinions, 
whatever they may be, 
truth be told I don’t give two shits about his opinions, even if I agree with him.  
he is the God Of Thunder and this is Halloween…  
Halloween Halloween hollow hollow Halloween!!  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Night on journey: It’s that ever important time of year where we all get to guess who gives and who receives

Whom do you say Happy Hollydaze to and whom do you say Happy Holidays to? All very, very good questions, but with a family ½ Catholic and ½ Jewish, I just say whatever to anybody and everything to whomever. It’s total freedom in the free world and I’m not at all offended either with whatever anyone sends my way ---- unless on December 21st you specifically refuse to wish me a Happy Solstice (how dare you not). Because, hey I may know nothing at all in the great scheme of things, but that my friends is the longest night of the freakin' year - those ancient folk at Newgrange, Knowth,  Dowth and the like knew it and it all checks out. Well, I digress - I want to send peace and love out to half my loved ones (forget the rest of yas until next week).

No wait, you can have peace and love too!!

Please note the views and opinions expressed in this entry are those of the author and do not reflect anything at all nor should they to anybody else

Friday, December 12, 2014

Midnight on journey: And then I noticed (like how a middle schooler would) that I wrote the 69th post to this here Lips Like Jagger

Hey, I’m no speechwriter but I’ll convey that truer words could not be better expressed than this exact question from last night’s happy fun trivia bash

>Retiring in 1994 at age 31, she is notable for "the most memorable bikini drop in cinema history" and for her line in the TV movie Lace: "Which of you bitches is my mother?"<

Midnight on journey: From the top secret files of Mrs. Frankenstein’s Monster

“You may have slipped that half-assed mickey in my cool lime Rickey but nothing is going to happen tonight baby doll, for I digress. I will not fall in love, I will not fall in love, I will I will not…damn it all suddenly realizing I’m in love! I’m in love, in love like crazy as a daisy in love. What evil spell of witchery did this cat put upon me? What summer madness has fallen over the universe? What strangling gold chain hangs around the neck? Mark but this flea and mark it so” - it went on like this for some 250 antique gold pages. The notebook was discovered inside a dusty treasure chest in the attic of my friend’s mother’s house out in Back Bay. No one had lived there in years.

Night on journey: The theme tonight – songs that make me change lanes. What are those speedy things that go on the autobahn and end up in big lakes?

Driving like that guy in Drive, swirling through neon streets I take a swig of that drink that was named after the Slavic word for winter (still available in Japan) and oh how the lights shine down and the stars fall on. Reflections as terrifying as the Mirror Mirror who will only lie if the money is right and those incredible shoes that danced that lady to death. You best believe earth is only a moment, as the terracotta vase on the patio, it will eventually break. If only you could remember that one name, no it doesn’t matter. More like, if only you could fly like on a deathstar spaceship, yes that would be a kool thing.

Night on journey: Love was saved when the last American heroes gathered in a pool hall (like the one in Terminator) to discuss the state of the union. It went a little something like this

Tag team, back again party on party people let me hear some noise and on and on until all the delegates wrote their constituents poison pen letters and tortured the puppies of suspected evangelists. It was arsenic in the champagne and dangerous liaisons everywhere one looked. World war three (remember that?) nearly broke out, I say nearly because just before it did some French mime tugged at the heartstrings of the favorite son of a very important man. And then from the rooftops (remember those?), choirs of angels with golden trumpets and harps and lyres, pan flutes, steel drums...played the last 5 minutes of the set as the formerly doomed universe (a patient audience all in all) heard these words, “God bless every last one of (muffle-static-explosion)!!  le fin du monde - goodbye little candle 

Mid afternoon on journey: Like classical symphony happy hour at a tiki bar (shoulda known better) and why you might put a little hairspray in that martini

My favorite superhero is Aquanet. We were as outrageous as kittens in arms, every cat is a criminal and every criminal is a critic. Note that journal reminded us that the war on string is unwinnable. So kill yr idols and live the high life like a moonshiner. I still pray to my idols because they are more sacred now.  Pick up that double or triple neck guitar dear and turn it up to – what, like 8?

Day on journey: Don’t look now - there’s a starlet in your cake (have it and eat it too!). Promises, promises

The American dream is a consolation prize just waiting for your arrival. The train jumped the tracks at the Roxbury Street Station (we spent a night there, right?). The mind as vacant and triggered as a joy ride and unless you have been there and done that, you can’t walk on that evanescent wild side. Can’t live with or without my radio, this sea of recycled sounds just plays and loops around and around. Recall the painted ponies that beat on like Christian soldiers in Kristiansand, they go so fa oh la tea da

Day on journey: No, not that one - the white and purple one; or how I learned to stop worrying about having the time of my life

Grade school and every girl wanted the Dirty Dancing soundtrack, come to find there were two. More Dirty Dancing, (not Havana Nights) had all the real songs from the 60s and not the contemporary ones (like those Hungry Eyes and that girl who was Like the Wind) but regardless, I did not know, did not know – and bought this second record. So, Swayze was nowhere to be found, but I first heard Be My Baby and Do You Love Me (well, do ya punk?). I felt like calling my cousin on the phone and asking if he’d caught this new sound yet. Needless to say, I still have this madness and still play those songs, but the climactic lift requires a duet, so…

"all my life i was lead to believe you were a wisconsin hooker"

Found this song on a record in a thrift store a few months ago; cost me a dollar.
"The Best of Cowboy Copas"  and who is Cowboy Copas??
For years i thought him and this song were just figments of my father's imagination.
I searched the internet trying to find this song in the late 90's to no avail.
i kept searching... and searching... and searching...

Seems for a moment in time everybody in the world
everybody but my father, had forgotten about the great Cowboy.
Here's to my father and his memory of this song

His love of cheddar cheese, coca-cola, pringles and cheez-its...
Here's to prostitutes with nice skin.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

To Chicago (with a prayer on my tongue)

That feeling you get when you are sick and you take a lot of medication
To kill whatever it is that is trying to kill you… what is this sensation?? 
My hands wet with the blood.. on my knees wiping up the murder scene.
I feel alive; I am floating sideways, a ghost through an open door,,,
(why is it assumed that ghosts float sideways??) 
I don’t understand the question, and my heart beats
As I cough as I cough as I cough… I don’t care for words anymore…
Me and my ghost are gonna climb up to the attic and enjoy the silence tonight…
I'd invite you along, but you never were great with rhythm
You have to know the words to this song to be stuck in my head...
(this isn't the song.)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Night on journey: I may not be a Minnesota hooker, but I can write postcards from the edge

A girl took note as she stood at the water's edge, the waves are always moving and they will never be caught or captured - free as a rich bitch at the mall (do they still have malls, I'm going off of knowledge I gathered from 1980's movies such as Night of the Comet)? Lounge lizard songs keep me awake and I haven't really been to the ocean in awhile, I forget how those waves just --
Crash and clash and ebb and moon flow low tide that draws us closer than ever before
I'll probably just hang around until I disappear in the smoke.

Night on journey: Mad worlds, half lived lives of unfulfilled destiny and happy happy joy joy feet. Or I love you PG who wrote that other song

So, I wrote once for a friend who asked if I understood that poems "should" rhyme.

On a world's campus, days of wine and roses
anything goes, or so one supposes
If destiny were not a word
then Sisley, Pissarro and I*
would sail on a boat
down the River Rhine
and Laugh and Drink and Cry.

*friend into High Impressionism

So, I may be no contemporary, modern, post modern or  post mortem writer
but fuck if I don't enjoy tap dancing

Sunday, December 7, 2014

I Arise, I'm Alive

We are all inside this castle together and there is no escaping
I mean the vibrations are felt just where vibrations should be kept
I slept in the water; inside the sun, my eyes have seen what no other can describe
I have seen the face of god and I am still alive
Puked on your doorsteps at least once upon a time
The bright lights sticking to the rust on the metal heavy shapes shaking in the night
You hear the engines roaring as they come to life, drink this and have faith
Believe in the scientists when they come to wake you up with these pictures in a frame
Slowly burning; I am the flame, I keep waking up just to fall asleep and dream
You have enough bones to build a fortress; build a forest and surround me with trees
I’m calling up to the mountains crawling on my hands and knees;
might take me forever but in the end
I will see this cage for what it is and I won’t be afraid of what lies
beyond these black dots on my screen
I keep breaking up the machine tearing it to pieces
and I want to be cleansed by your electricity
Electrocuted slowly so that I can feel every moment of my demise
I want to feel my death so that I can know I was truly alive

Saturday, December 6, 2014

She Was A Fast Machine

She feels the night
The love will cry the name of her motherfucker
Smother me in the mountains of spain
Let me know
Let me go
Let me forget this pain in my heart
Let me recoil collapse eexpose the map
Let me know there is a path and a river made of golden ships
Sail away sail away sail away hey!!
Tonight can you maybe fill my ehart
With enough rain so that I may go for a swim
I want oto be in love I want to feel alive again;
The gambler dies when he stops gambling;
A New Orleans suitcase full of boots..
“I left them all barefoot by the water” he says to me one day…
And I still don’t know what that means.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

U-Turn on journey: In regards to an earlier post where self indulgant ranting and raving was contradicted with a serious social message

Dear friends, let it be known that I in no way meant to diminish the very important social message of the song "Luka" and that one may make the argument that the title isn't even spelled the same as the aforementioned mother character of yore - so there. In lieu of flowers - send bass. Thank you all and  remember that we are the world, the children are our future and please oh please I hope they know it's Christmas

(lets not forget that we are all beautiful today... no matter what the name)

Evening on journey: The mother character was named “Lucia”, I thought it said “Luca” – Long Rant in E Minor and why I don’t act professionally or recreationally

So, in order to fulfill a high school performing arts credit I had to take Theatah (as I call it). Now, I did manage to get out of acting (for my sake as well as everyone else’s) until the end of the semester. Ol’ teacher figured it out and made me be in a play. A group of 4 (1 director, 3 actors) were to perform a little sumpin for the class. Well, I’m a great reader and managed to find the perfect role - some New Zealand or Aussie play** where a mother is killed by her 2 daughters, note mother only has 3 lines before demise…Well, I don’t need to tell you that I was gonna get that mother role if I had to sleep with the director/producer/teacher/other actors it didn't matter, I can play the game. So anyway – got the part!! 2 weeks to rehearse, and show time. I did manage to memorize my lines, however forgot to take note of the lines before/after, you know the actual acting part of the deal. Needless to say I didn't do a very good job of it. Another student actually critiqued my work, “you weren't very motherly I don’t think” and I’m like “why would a good ‘motherly’ mother be killed by her 2 daughters?” ha gotcha bitch. Then I announced to the class that I researched studiously for – what is my character’s name, oh look my name was “Luca” – and it may have been overly obvious that my main source of inspiration was Heather Duke portrayed by Ms. Shannen Doherty in the Classic film Heathers- so, everyone thank you and have a pleasant evening!
**author’s note: might not have been a down under play - can’t recall

Monday, December 1, 2014

oops... forgot about the rain and how it melts the snow

it never came to be that i was lost at sea... 
good thing considering i don't remember how to swim and i am a fire creature, 
the waves would extinguish my burning sensation but then what, a love song??  
id rather die with a belt around my neck and postcards in my pocket 
sent messages to myself from a previous lifetime... 
its times like these that i regret having a shaky wrist... 
cant read my own handwriting
but as the second wiseman once said, "dream baby dream"

Day on journey: And when the world comes crashing down around us, do remember it is the most wonderful time of bleak midwinter

Turning onto Fascination Street consider how a softer more desolate palette awaits us in the Southwest. We can drive for around 12 hours and be in (actually many places) but I am thinking Austin as we can crash on a couch there, listen to some songs there and generally get lost, found and turned around there. Turn up the mixtape and make sure the headlights are working for a road trip unlike but just like every other. Wait, how did we end up in Seattle again?

Night on journey: Hollywood nights and out on the town – I wore a burnt orange accessory; color on nails - The Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It

Must dedicate a little somethins’ to my friend who bought Macaulay Culkin a Corona last Thursday night and was worried that she looked stupid. Yes, maybe yes, but made us so fucking cool at the same time. I have high hopes for our respective futures...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

that time i wrote THUG LIFE on her leg and she continued to dream (oops i did it again)

Believin’ it too forever I journey through forever ain’t stopping me no never
the other little shits all elementary my dear being dirty wins everytime
 stop that shit flat on a dime spin out pump the gas spin out lightnig flash
looks like its gonna rain on your parade hope your bitch ass soul is saved
you gonna need to hold your tongue before I cut it out your mouth
keep talking that shit shits gonna travel south you slippin my man
  you know me and I don’t give a fuck what you think
get you wet and wash my dick in your kitchen sink
I am satans kid nobody done the wicked shit I did
these angel wings been clipped I don’t need to fly
I am your god and I am alive
hit me baby one more time

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Born on the bayou: or how many videos can i fit into one blog post

Please believe me I know all about squeeze cheese and crackers and there is something to be said 
about a lobster giving you his head and in the morning you wake up and everything is red

  you can’t recall whose legs were spread but you know its not butter youre tasting in your mouth
 it’s the sour sound of regret and you may say that im naïve and yeah that would probably be true

this is what I said and this is what I did
but this is what was meant by both my actions and my lack thereof…

climbed down to the ocean to drown and try to memorize
the words she spoke before I lost my mind...

my grip on reality is fading fast my grip is slipping as they laugh
their lipstick that lipstick sick lipstick lightning flash

 and I know they do not exist I know I know I know
 my beautiful friend all I ever wanted was one last kiss

 one last chance to say nothing for hours and just fall asleep in your heart
forever asleep; a victim of the undertow

 In this storm I have become an angels and my wings are fire breathing lungs
I taste the world as it melts on my tongue

 I think I can touch your face tonight
If I keep going than I just might walk off the edge of the earth

 To the river to the river to deliver a message of love to the cosmos
I will keep falling forver and be haunted by your ghost
 This chance to be free to believe to know whats inside of me
This wine I breathe this song I sing

 Im drowning im drowning
Somebody come and pick me up

 Anybody… anybody see me floating in need of something to wake me up.
Cmon comn put on a little make up!!

Day on journey: As an assistant in an art yet office setting, I’m often asked to provide information that at 1st glance is incomprehensible, but as time goes by becomes as free flow as Jazz

Me:  So, here is the opening line of the paperback edition of Angel Fire. ‘IT MIGHT be useful,’ said the rich womanly voice, ‘to model me as your guardian angel.’ - I believe this is what you asked about for the holiday cards?

Boss: No, I meant the one with the witch, not the angel.

Me: Witch Fire? (mumble to myself - yeah, more like Bitch Fire) I don’t think it exists – but if you want me to, I dunno there is Practical Magic, um

Boss: That’s it, that’s it - now tell me that one.

Me: Okay, well...

U-turn on journey: In reference to an earlier post about anatomy of which souls (are apart) or as best stated in the immortal words of Starship, “baby, we can make it if we’re heart to heart”

Tuning into a local radio station, I'm feeling slightly self-conscious upon realizing that I should’ve played a(n?) Heart song.  This truly was an oversight on my part and I sincerely hope everyone accepts my thoughts on the matter. It must be noted that I prefer lyrical questions such as, “is it cloak and dagger, could it be spring or fall?” to anything else in the world. I mean, it is these existential inquiries that have confounded human minds since the beginning of time before time immemorial.  

Day on journey: Amazing what first comes up when you simply say, “give me a song with heart in it”.

...or, do they know me too well. Now, I am aware that all good conspiracy theories begin with the word “they”, but it turns out, there are not many songs with the word ‘heart’ in the title, which I would not have assumed to be the case. I would like to dedicate the following to Ms. Justice Ginsburg (from the Justice League) recovering from surgery today and as I imagine is presently watching Downton Abbey and taking shots of Jack whenever someone speaks with a British accent. Cheers!

Day on journey: Remember the one, with the lasers shooting out of the eyes and all humanity was quarantined inside a pub in the Highlands?

Yes, only too well; recall that a wise man once said, “very, very frightening”.  This is not your mother’s ghost story (which one would that be - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir?), but this is still your personal tour guide here with you now only this time wearing a kilt; one of the long ladies ones if you will. Now, feast your ears on some traditional piping from the mad plaid estate aka Scotland.

Morning on journey: If it’s Wednesday, it must not be Belgium, because that was Tuesday – correct? Plus, British music from the 1960’s

Hello, this is your sky captain who will be wearing Chelsea boots (deal with it) on your personal music tour of all of Western Europe. Now on to England where all I know of this place is from The Avengers circa '65-68, particularly the episode where Mrs. Emma Peel and Steed go to that quiet airport and the first sound is the rattling of milk bottles on the back of a lorry. Did it have something to do with war ghosts? 

Morning on journey: Though change is set in stone some histories need to be rewritten, revised and re-invented. Ladies and gentlemen - you know it

Fact - A Madonna song was the first song I danced with a boy to if you don’t count ballroom in phys ed where I might have fox-trotted or waltzed around with one in the school basement.  And you apparently thought I couldn't even leave my house for the 12’ stacks of early 90’s fashion magazines that would fall down on my head. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day on journey: "I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about"

I like how it has just come to be called The Opera Song, because well, as that They Might Be Giants (not that one) song once expressed so eloquently, "youth culture killed my dog and I don't think it's fair". Now, this might be the best song you are going to hear all day.

Day on journey: On to a band named after a Debbie Gibson song and subsequent perfume that Erin from 8th grade English would spray all over herself

And so I said to lighten the mood, “well I’ll tell you what - I certainly do not want to live in a world without pumpkin cookies and grey angora bunnies named Fido.”

And you said – actually,  I don’t remember, I'm terribly self-absorbed. It might have been something like, - maybe we can just run away - again you were so serious all of the time.

I left the room, came back in the room and asked, “so, have you read any good memoirs lately?”

Night on journey: Pittsburgh film students riot and take to the streets to capture sound and fury (or fun and glory)

Sessions in basements in Buffalo. New York ink and daggers and shots in the dark - I drive all night just to get where you are, where you are - where are you little love? That old time voodoo that you do so well has cast a living spell on me and now I'm floating off into a movie that I've watched too many times.

To a slut in Uniform... ps i love you

This song... keeping me from exploding from all the feeling and emotions inside my soul right now. Sadness, anger, and a huge amount of sugar sprinkled with vermin... they have stormed the castle we built and now it is time to call in the exterminators... whomever they may be. i remember driving all the way to Ohio just to fuck your brains out... the problem with that is afterwards you were no good for conversation... slurring your words and saying things like "where are the children?? where is the coffee??" i had to explain to you twice that things just do not happen that way... coffee is not just made in a pot it has to be harvested, it has to grow... but you wanted instant gratification after i had drove eight hours in the freezing cold just to see your face... maybe you werent so compassionate afterall...  maybe you were just a slut and i dont have time for that in my life... farewell christopher columbus.

on a sidenote i later found out they do make instant coffee... and yes you still are a slut with the voice of an angel.  (and a soul so dark and haunted that i drank my coffee black)

Midnight on journey: Wait, which one drank poison again? Or it's all part of my Rock n' Roll fantasy

Recall these opening lines…

Sampson:  Gregory, o’ my word, we’ll not carry coals.

Gregory:  No, for then we should be colliers.

Well, I don’t need to tell you what this all leads to…Lust, love, open garden gates and through which pale light the shattered window breaks, as seen in the film go through that glass darkly and wear a cocktail dress all purple and sparkly.

It is only a fable after all...

Night on journey: When you wish upon a midnight dreary sing a happy tune about kittens in Mittens

All the world rejoices, for deep in the darkest space, where I am often lost and find myself accident prone, there is a small object that appears to be a "solid moonlet".  NASA's Cassini Solstice Mission discovered it living near Saturn's F ring. They named it "Mittens".

Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

You always whispered, you never really had a voice to say anything and be heard
everybody thought you were mumbling, just slurring your words after having too much to drink
now we are here in silence and i'm on top of your grave wanting to make love to your spirit
wanting to see your smile wanting to know wanting to have wanting to hold you in my arms
one last time... i know everything will be alright like bobby says no woman no cry
we must keep moving forward even as tears fill our eyes...
as the city turns to mourning, will the leaves continue to fall??
not sure what i feel right now... sadness can't possibly explain it all

Morning on Journey: After a disappointing loss for the visitors, a dark ride back home

Overcome by life events a few miles away, very important to remember, "it ain't real anyway".

Monday, November 24, 2014

the first time...

It was in this song, given to me by an indian princess, that I first heard your voice
Her name meant literally, ‘the mother of all gods’, and I felt sorry for her
What a burden that must be to know that all your children are gods
How do you discipline a god exactly??  They have no one and nothing to fear…

I remember her eyes, her lips… her nipples pierced and the love
I remember sticking my tongue down her throat in hopes that I might disappear
I remember the night she came into my room and whispered into my ear, “you are not alone”
I knew I was not alone I had made these ghosts from pieces of myself
I had relieved them all of their earthly duties so they could be free to roam

It’s a kind of magic we possess; never knowing any throne
We are neither kings, nor queens; we are simply servants of the mastery
The night I watched her get undressed
Felt myself explode inside her breath
I am the evil one responsible for her death…

This air she breathed into my lungs and gave me the light to burn through lampshades
In the cavern of lost souls the voices never fade.
In the night we go on our masquerade.. through the villages and the towns
On a search, for virgins making scary sounds as they dream.

“come come roam the cosmos with me!!” 

i was a young man full of hopes and dreams

what's she transcending??
breaking through the edges of the plates
restless spirits climb through as pores dilate
she scrapes the skin from my heart so sick
immortality is your chance to be a dick;

do you really want to stay behind??
western eyes are smiling at you;
we’ve all heard about those memories… 
the moment she spurs your heart you know
you’ve been sucked into the vortex
there is no chance of escaping this time. 

you’ll follow her wherever she goes; day night glow in the dark..
following blindly like an animal into her ark…
the flames so bright your soul starts to melt, too late you feel her thighs…
to late to scream for help… you wanted to see a movie; you get what you paid for…
an orchestra of whores all ready to suck the juice from your bones.. nothing fancy
its all very cheap to enjoy fifteen minutes of fame… remember dancing
when you wake up in the morning, nobody will even know your name…

Evening on Journey: Archival film of every last kiss is pretty Rock n' Roll

I specifically asked you what your favorite color was and you said - I think you said it was blue - and I was so ready for you to ask me mine, but you went with, "what's your favorite movie scene" and caught off guard, mumbled something about the montage of kisses from Cinema Paradiso, because, I don't know its good, maybe if I had more time I would respond differently. You see, I was so ready to reply that I had two favorite colors...

Twilight on Journey: And because not everything is about lost conversations and past loves

Sometimes you wake up from a day dream and realize maybe it is just about vampires after all