Friday, December 12, 2014

Midnight on journey: From the top secret files of Mrs. Frankenstein’s Monster

“You may have slipped that half-assed mickey in my cool lime Rickey but nothing is going to happen tonight baby doll, for I digress. I will not fall in love, I will not fall in love, I will I will not…damn it all suddenly realizing I’m in love! I’m in love, in love like crazy as a daisy in love. What evil spell of witchery did this cat put upon me? What summer madness has fallen over the universe? What strangling gold chain hangs around the neck? Mark but this flea and mark it so” - it went on like this for some 250 antique gold pages. The notebook was discovered inside a dusty treasure chest in the attic of my friend’s mother’s house out in Back Bay. No one had lived there in years.

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