Friday, December 12, 2014

Night on journey: Love was saved when the last American heroes gathered in a pool hall (like the one in Terminator) to discuss the state of the union. It went a little something like this

Tag team, back again party on party people let me hear some noise and on and on until all the delegates wrote their constituents poison pen letters and tortured the puppies of suspected evangelists. It was arsenic in the champagne and dangerous liaisons everywhere one looked. World war three (remember that?) nearly broke out, I say nearly because just before it did some French mime tugged at the heartstrings of the favorite son of a very important man. And then from the rooftops (remember those?), choirs of angels with golden trumpets and harps and lyres, pan flutes, steel drums...played the last 5 minutes of the set as the formerly doomed universe (a patient audience all in all) heard these words, “God bless every last one of (muffle-static-explosion)!!  le fin du monde - goodbye little candle 

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