Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Night on journey: It’s that ever important time of year where we all get to guess who gives and who receives

Whom do you say Happy Hollydaze to and whom do you say Happy Holidays to? All very, very good questions, but with a family ½ Catholic and ½ Jewish, I just say whatever to anybody and everything to whomever. It’s total freedom in the free world and I’m not at all offended either with whatever anyone sends my way ---- unless on December 21st you specifically refuse to wish me a Happy Solstice (how dare you not). Because, hey I may know nothing at all in the great scheme of things, but that my friends is the longest night of the freakin' year - those ancient folk at Newgrange, Knowth,  Dowth and the like knew it and it all checks out. Well, I digress - I want to send peace and love out to half my loved ones (forget the rest of yas until next week).

No wait, you can have peace and love too!!

Please note the views and opinions expressed in this entry are those of the author and do not reflect anything at all nor should they to anybody else

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