Thursday, December 4, 2014

Evening on journey: The mother character was named “Lucia”, I thought it said “Luca” – Long Rant in E Minor and why I don’t act professionally or recreationally

So, in order to fulfill a high school performing arts credit I had to take Theatah (as I call it). Now, I did manage to get out of acting (for my sake as well as everyone else’s) until the end of the semester. Ol’ teacher figured it out and made me be in a play. A group of 4 (1 director, 3 actors) were to perform a little sumpin for the class. Well, I’m a great reader and managed to find the perfect role - some New Zealand or Aussie play** where a mother is killed by her 2 daughters, note mother only has 3 lines before demise…Well, I don’t need to tell you that I was gonna get that mother role if I had to sleep with the director/producer/teacher/other actors it didn't matter, I can play the game. So anyway – got the part!! 2 weeks to rehearse, and show time. I did manage to memorize my lines, however forgot to take note of the lines before/after, you know the actual acting part of the deal. Needless to say I didn't do a very good job of it. Another student actually critiqued my work, “you weren't very motherly I don’t think” and I’m like “why would a good ‘motherly’ mother be killed by her 2 daughters?” ha gotcha bitch. Then I announced to the class that I researched studiously for – what is my character’s name, oh look my name was “Luca” – and it may have been overly obvious that my main source of inspiration was Heather Duke portrayed by Ms. Shannen Doherty in the Classic film Heathers- so, everyone thank you and have a pleasant evening!
**author’s note: might not have been a down under play - can’t recall

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