Thursday, December 11, 2014

To Chicago (with a prayer on my tongue)

That feeling you get when you are sick and you take a lot of medication
To kill whatever it is that is trying to kill you… what is this sensation?? 
My hands wet with the blood.. on my knees wiping up the murder scene.
I feel alive; I am floating sideways, a ghost through an open door,,,
(why is it assumed that ghosts float sideways??) 
I don’t understand the question, and my heart beats
As I cough as I cough as I cough… I don’t care for words anymore…
Me and my ghost are gonna climb up to the attic and enjoy the silence tonight…
I'd invite you along, but you never were great with rhythm
You have to know the words to this song to be stuck in my head...
(this isn't the song.)

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