Friday, December 11, 2015

My heroes have always been cowboys...

yesterday they laid another one of my heroes to rest; a rest very much deserved. Just as i realized when my father died; whatever demons he had are gone now and although it is not the exit intended, he has escaped the asylum and is now wandering the streets of heaven looking for the girl with kaleidoscope eyes... a voice says, "let me take you down, because i'm going to, strawberry fields..." yes the devil is a gentleman and he is there to ask you how you take your chocolate.

yesterday when i was at work and heard the news, i literally had tears in my eyes... one always hopes that the heroes of their youth will follow them into their old age... how awesome it would've been to be in an old folks home with him?? now i'm afraid i will be the only crazy one there in my wheelchair staring at the walls and screaming out, "pretty penny was her name, she was loved and we all will miss her."

words may not be spoken while you are alive to encompass what you mean to somebody, or to express how you have affected or touched their lives, it is important to remember, everything you do affects somebody... a few days ago would've been my father's seventy-fifth birthday and although we didn't have the perfect relationship, i miss him every day. watching my son grow up and knowing that the only way he will ever get to know his grandpa is through stories that i choose to tell, breaks my heart to no end. i often think, what if my father had chosen to be a healthier person, what if he had put down the cigarettes, put away his hatred, and paid attention to what his body was telling him?? would he still be here today?? would my son have had a grandpa who could teach him how to raise hell on the CB radio?? how to play video games?? how to solve cryptograms and crossword puzzles in minutes flat as if it was truly nothing at all?? i don't know all the answers, but i think part of longevity in life is letting the past be the past...letting go of stress and pain; knowing your own strengths and weaknesses; being accepting of others and their faults and smiling... Smiling is the most important thing!!

(and breathing, don't forget to breathe!)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

if i only lacked a brain

it would be so easy to believe; to think that everything was going to somehow be alright in the end.
 if i could just take the heart from my chest and toss it into the flames.
if i could somehow allow myself to become cold and indifferent
not just towards my own feelings but towards the world as a whole.

forget the way she licks her lips when she's crawling across my chest

if i could somehow become evil, mean and greedy,
perhaps i could erase these expressions of pain, of loss, of sorrow...
maybe write a book, then toss it upon the fireplace maybe someday i learn

i sing at my own funeral, they stolen my voice and now i am blessed and i burn

if i could teach myself to stop caring, perhaps i could allow myself to be free of the weight...
i could wake up tomorrow on the moon, far removed from the screams.. perhaps mars??
but there's always a voice in the back of my mind crying out, boy...
you're gonna carry that weight... carry that weight a long time.

my eyes against the window pressed, trying to look inside... trying to find a hole in the floor

Thursday, October 22, 2015

If Morrissey's name was Rudy, or Ruby, or even Moby
(then he would not be Morrissey would he?)

This is a message to you Rudy...

Anyway I hope you're doing good;  well at least better now that you have changed your name to Ruby and set out to find the yellow brick whatever and those glass slippers, yes it always was a sleeping beauty kind of thing, do you remember that time I bought snow white just so I could watch the seven dwarves dance around her feet??

There is no video to explain my intentions, no emotion to deep to describe this feeling.  yes! if I was lost I think I could always buy a map. There are many ways to develop a film and the easiest way is to stop taking showers.

(this post has nothing to do with Morrissey or Gwen Stefani)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Baby you can drive your car
(mine's full of little critters i refuse to kill)

At the same time every day and every night, the trick it seems is to already be awake,
to be ready for the cold chills at that very minute. To solve the mystery of 4:15,
the very minute when in the summer of 2009

I noticed a hairy spider crawling on my arm as I drove my car down I-35.
I did not flinch I was not scared, I knew the spiders message, 
I just hung my hand out the window and waited for the light to change on the exit ramp.

when you reach your destination what happens next?  have you found what you're looking for??
like those white spiders who were on the windshield of my car the other night
they didn't move; just sat there staring at me driving through the fog;
hitchhikers from another planet; lost beneath the light of the moon.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

you stared into my eyes (once upon a time)

left me on my back asleep to dream and i wonder where you are tonight?
what are you doing in the staircase of an abandoned motel??
did you find what you were looking for when you jumped into the lake?
will you ever admit to yourself that this was all just a mistake?

i've forgiven you a long time ago
these memories haunt me i know
i cant forget the taste of something on my tongue
until i remove my clothes and walk into the wilderness alone
i cannot begin to be myself until i realize that i too am a clone

these pages left in the machine and my hand is on the heart
you said it would be different
you would not let yourself get attached
it would be easy to walk away, to throw a match,
i love to smell the flesh melting as your fire spreads
your legs are like visions of something i cannot grasp
i'm thunderbolt... i'm thunderbolt; where is my flask?

i'm walking away.

start with desire and slide through the window
slide down the rainbow to slide down the rainbow
touch the lightning flash feel the drying of the leaves
monkeys are dying, a forest crying inside of me
tonight all i ask is please let me hear you scream 

my heart is bursting into flames and i wonder what was your fear??
not what you wanted to hear, but its the only thing keeping me here.
my amnesia trying to climb the umbrella to the gates
find the source of this pain, it took me this long to escape.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Fish Called Ghostbusters

Sometimes you have to wonder why we were put on this planet... 
why of all the rocks floating in space did our spaceship decide that this was the best one to crash into? 
we will never know the answer, nobody has the brain of the spaceship or the heart of john f kennedy, 
these things are lost forever to the wind that blows through her skeleton when she walks... 
yes lady liberty is not afraid of a midnight stroll through central park... or satan after dark
misheard lyrics through the fog, the obvious songs to be sung will not be acknowledged in this post, 
if you dont get the map, i hope it has burned in transit... 
somethings are meant to be lost in translation. 

here's to you Bill Murray!  who you gonna call??

Friday, August 21, 2015

Pre-Apocalyptic Poster of Nikki Sixx

dear god,
i had forgotten how it hurts to feel your heart beating
you keep punching me in the side trying to get me to move
but this building is crumbling and you think i am an architect
id make you an igloo and keep you warm until it all melts
the polar bears are sweating my darling; i'm so dumb
do you think you could give them a shave??

maybe try to keep them alive for a little longer and i can fix
swap hearts; only you, know what i'm thinking of
my chem-trails are burning; the arrow splits
oily skin my device triggers emotion instead of numb
only god only god lies bleeding in the middle of the road
my eyes are tearing up; i'm choking on your blood
I've had enough; I've had enough
i cant stand to watch the birds
as they tear the guts from our bones.

(tonight i will close my eyes and dream of a home i know does not exist)
a pre-apocalyptic poster of Nikki Sixx.

Friday, July 31, 2015

rough sketch of a street scene you see (to the waitress in the park)

she was walking down the street in her prom dress
 she had decided this was the fourth of july and she was going to spend all her money
spread her butter on the bread, live each and every day as if it were her last
"fuck what they think" she whispered to herself as if sharing a secret with Holly Golightly
"mS. Golightly! ms Golightly!!"
evrytime i see her face i think of you, im not sure why exactly
perhaps its the way or something like that... who knows the secrets of the moon
who dares to ask why some of us are chosen to join the joyride and others are left behind..
 poor poor sane creatures, never given a chance to howl at the moon!!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Midday on Journey: Out here on the streets it's like you can't live without your radio or swimming for beginners

I have written a manifesto to the tune of The Grateful Dead's "Dark Star" from some concert back in the summer of 1981...Let me start by saying,
Music doesn't exist, if it did we would see it and I don't mean those squiggly little line things that represents music & notes on a page that some dead Italian subjectively put meaning to that we all somehow agree means what we say it means.
Well, I don't believe it.
I believe in evolution. I also certainly know that humans once rode unicorns; just everyone thought they were dinosaurs, but dinosaurs - as we know were unlucky with that comet thing long before the first human baby boy and girl were born and had more baby human boys and girls and on and on.
I believe the children are our future, I just don't care
I believe in feelings and world peace, I just don't care
I believe in love and the Alpha (Romeo) and the Omega (Oldsmobile) and all that exists between heaven and earth.
I believe in Angels (Anaheim)
I believe that manifestos are lies, lies & lies thought up by some lone crazy who more likely than not believes in unicorns.
So, where does that leave you all who will sign on to this manifesto and pass legislation to enact laws to carry out
my demands?
Oh hell I don't care.

Sincerely and Truly Yours Forever,
Mrs. Christmas July

Day on Journey: The Journey Returns or The Revenge of the Journey

I am going to create an alter ego said one feminist to another feminist
Oh My Like God That is sooo Amazing said the one to the other
We are so much more than who we are
Yes Yes Yes, that's what I've been saying all day
You are like so perfect

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Number Sicks

Like listening to an Oasis song without any Beatles references... well not quite, i suppose there is a vague reference to the Beatles in this song, and finding the beatles references in Oasis songs is 83 percent of the fun of listening to the music... nobody will get this but me... lyrics are awesome.

but all of this just makes me wonder how a one-legged man could climb a wall in search of something he had never seen... that is why we call these things dreams and if we were afraid to dream, we need to remember the one-legged man hobbling about all full of courage and determination, and yet we tell ourselves we cannot do it...  

 but if i can climb a wall then you can climb a wall and we all can climb walls all the live long day.. climbing walls is fun isn't it?? (you have to say that with a british accent or else it doesnt really matter)

the important thing is to never give up, no matter how impossible your dream.. just keep going and going and going....

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

hit me with your rhythm stick... hit me... hit me!!

i am not a ghost she cries... and to be honest i really thought she was alive
im not really into necrophilia, the fire kept her warm...
burnt flesh falling from her bones as she danced into the sun...
 ashes ashes we all fall down ashes ashes we all fall down...
its already been done, this is nothing but a memory lost and found
she painted her face like a circus clown and made me swear to never tell a soul

but i confess i cannot keep a secret as good as this one
good golly miss molly, happiness is a warm gun
i now think i understand why you couldn't sink that stone
it was magic some kind of voodoo magic magic magick!!

to walk with a crooked spine... never realized i was walking sideways and upside down
the town looked the same no matter what angle you viewed
or which angel you were viewing it with

she was a witch a wicked wicked witch and she invited me to come to life
a classic case of monkey becoming man
im alive i screamed goddam!!  i am alive like an A K
cold hard steel ready to live ready to get paid

just pull my trigger just push my button
ready to scream at the top of my lungs
i love the taste of her tongue

today is the first day of my life
time to have some fun!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Midnight on journey: Why haven’t I played Journey yet on this journey and other questions you may ask your sweet true love in the dead of the night

I had almost entered dream time sleep when I hear a voice beside me…
So I gots a question
Yes dear?
If you were stranded on an abandoned tropical island, what would be your one music choice, your one book and your one island companion, ya know forever on that island and all?
Dear, that certainly is three separate questions
You may be right – oh and who would be your dream prison cell mate when you both got double life sentences ya know forever in that shared space and all?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Live Slow and Dangerous (the hermaphrodite)

how did we know they were coming for us
how did we know their name
could it be that it started with us and everybody else decided to do the same
we started dancing in an awkward way trying our best to fit in nervous and jittery
we couldve been funk but we were only insane...
we shaved our heads and joined a cult...
we flew our spaceship into your heart, throug the walls we listened to the noise
we knew we were invicible we were the golden boys...
you know johnny cougar only had two arms to hold you tight

do the hermaphrodite!!

young in soul and lost on the road... we took a ride and never looked down
gone too far now its too late baby too late to turn around...
dont cry for me argentine... ruby never was my road
she listened to me as a lay silently dreaming... squished like a toad
still my guitar doesnt speak... they've brushed under the bridge
i've swallowed the worm that was in my beak,
my feast, my friends, a barbecued rib...
lifes too short not to live dngerous and slow... very very slow
you know django reinhardt only had three minutes of fame...

do the hermaphrodite!!

is there something wrong with your feet??
get up off your shoulders and dance with me.

baby you only get one chance in life
one chance.... one god-dammed mother fuckin chance..
to do the hermaphrodite!!

(if i fell in love with you id paint the sky blue and the grass would be green)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


there's nothing more exhilarating than a head on collision with a star... when it happens and you don't even realize what is taking place.  one moment you're here the next you're just a victim of outer space... the only thing you can do is wear protective gear.  i walked around all night long singing Lionel Richie songs and thinking i was Machiavelli... i wanted to rule the world so that i could serve as a warning to others that they do not want to rule the world.. but everybody wants to rule the world, just ask Mr. Moses on his motorbike..

 tonight, tonight tonight ohhhhh!!!  you see tonight he is not busy parting the red seas, there are no followers in need of being saved... today is a day of relaxation and inebriation. he is on his way to see a concert, you see the drummer of one of his childhood favorite bands recently made the transition from mere mortal to a god, and there shall be a celebration in heaven tonight.. all the good people will be there... so satisfied you better start me up... if you start me up start me up... don't ever stop.

to every chemical reaction there is an equal chemical reaction... to every season turn turn turn... im not really sure what all of this means, but have you ever gone for a ride on her black wings??  do you know the bird i am talking of?? she is an angel and in her resides all the secrets that us mere mortals cannot seem to comprehend... that my children is why we need his brain

and if all of this doesn't work.. if he is too smart to fall into the trap we have an endless line-up of similar gods... all subject to our fillet of fish sandwich... i don't eat fish they have feelings, right Kurt?

"off with their heads... off with their mother fuckin heads!!" the killer queen, she screams... a little Freddie in the system but i am not afraid of poltergeists or beetle-juice i am out... among the rockets and i have my own air force ones... give me two pair, cause i need two pairs...

there is indeed something in the way, but im not going to move it tonight... the barricade was put there for a reason and i am the first to admit that i am not quite punk rock enough to crash through anything other than those stars that shine in the cloudy sky tonight... oh come... oh come to me!!

no tornadoes to keep us warm we sit here confused amazed and amused... yes we have come this far and there is no end in sight... ive got a feeling... yes i got a feeling everything is going to be alright.

(Rest in Peace A.J. Pero)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Day on journey: In a room with a treasure box filled with welded sparkly things, trickster puppets and dangerous toys, I found a book of faerie tales and some VHS tapes

Don’t call it a comeback, I've been here for years…come on sheeple get with the program and now my mama said to knock you the hell out..So, because I'm pretty sure this is my ma's favorite song...

And now for the soap opera story rant of the day; I must say that I had that Prince long before Cinderella even heard of that ball, so, back off bitch - it just got real. The pleasure is mine and I am charmed. Oh hell's bells I cannot believe I just called poor Cinder Ella a bitch word. I’m so sorry to all the working women out there. I also know what it is to, um like, work hard for the money and magically marry above my socio-economic status (lies lies & true lies). 

I now head to the muddy yard to bury a treasure box full of memories because while I'm on board with nursery rhymes (and rhymey things in general), these faerie tales are freakin' me out - you try eating your step sister some day - wait on second thought, that's just dirty and you'd enjoy it too much

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Just say no to Ike (and other things i have learned from her long legs)

to ogle over Tina Turner's long legs seems at her age to be a little more than disturbing but damn... have you seen her legs??  i remember being 15 and working at her concert at Sandstone Amphitheater... so much alcohol was served at that concert.. the police checkpoints outside the venue were hideous. and her legs... her legs oh my god those legs... (truth be told i am not a big Tina turner fan and had forgotten all bout her until recently)

the other night at work, my manager walks into the warehouse and proceeds to tell us, jokingly of course that tonight was Tina Turner night and launches into a horrific rendition of proud mary which i make worse by joining in in true Tina Turner fashion.. "fast and furious, oh my fucking god here comes Ike" style... then we try to think of other Tina Turner songs... it is then that i realize i only know 4 Tina Turner songs off the top of my head... we even went to different apps on our phones trying to find a different Tina Turner song... the results were always the same... i guess she only has four songs.

but those legs...  did i mention those legs??

(truth be told, i've learned nothing from those legs.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

it was all a thumbtack,
(the blood dripped from the palm of my hand)

One day i woke up and i still think i was Axl Rose, i arrived... i'm alive
ten minutes late to the show, and they had already begun to tear apart my corpse
to be honest i didn't care to stop the festivities, it was bound to happen eventually...
they love their corpses nice and warm, the blood still dripping the heart still beating...
i couldn't cry out and tell them that i was still breathing... why ruin their fantasy??
Paul is dead... Paul is dead and they need another hero to rape

these motherfuckers seem to think that i am blinded by the sun
i know whats going on behind the moon you can't trick me
you cant trick me... i'm on to your little game
i've already gone insane and painted my nails a lighter shade of pale
i've already burned with these angels in heaven... they prepared me for my hell
i try to tell them to listen to Charles Mingus and leave this world behind
the future is in your hands and in the future everybody is a whore
open the door open the door an' climb inside... abandon this ship while you still can
c'mon now smile on your brother and listen to the words... i'm big in Japan.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Day on Journey: How do I kill thee? Let me count the ways and lesser thoughts on how I’ll never forget you

Buying magazines just to look at the pictures and leave them out on tables and countertops for months, indicating that I want to go to a coffee shop and talk about important topics like the threat of nuclear war but really just want to talk about the band War and that Lo Rid Dah song, considering fun facts and 1980s trivia to be what makes up the universe - all its protons, electrons and neutrons, wanting to make you see through my rose tints and never forgiving you for refusing, saying this and so much more is what makes you love me and what makes you die a little each day.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hey hey My my (rock n roll will never die...)
put a tear drop next to your eye... (we can all be little wayne)

Not sure why but i love this new -as yet unreleased- song by Steve Earle​...  truth be told i think i like any song with hey hey hey as part of the lyrics... i am a simple man... a simple man.

here's a video of him reading the lyrics/ story of the song  or if you prefer to have music with his voice...

momma told me something when i was young... i don't remember what it was, probably something along the lines of darling, don't you go and cut your hair... do you think it's gonna make him change??
yes i am the boy with a new hair-cut and it IS a pretty nice hair cut.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

to the man who forgot how to dream... wake yourself up and try again.

i heard something said once about a sailor who was lost at sea
he could taste the salt in his wounds and it reminded him that he was alive
he could feel the pain of bleeding to death and it reminded him that he could not die
not tonight... not anytime soon... not until he was feasting on her love beneath a killing moon

i remember reading something about Courtney... oh sweet vagina's of forgotten star wars
i remember hearing her confess that Kurt was in love with a certain song by echo and the bunnymen
i dont think it was bring on the dancing horses... i dont think he was one to dance
but i do remember seeing him in a ballroom gown on MTV 
yellow and hideous you took me to be yours and for that i am forever free to kiss

i guarantee you....

in a hundred years i wont remember this,

Friday, February 6, 2015

in memory of an elephant i remember from a trip to the moon... god bless you Marky Ramone

what do you do when elephants are climbing the trees??
what do you do when the elephants hide inside of me??
what do you do when Dumbo learns to fly??
what should we so with all these elephants in the sky??

the obvious answer would be to hope that they don't puke
the other possibility would be a bag of microwave popcorn
i'm not sure what that has to do with this elephant
this elephant who is wearing my shoes

he took off like a helicopter
took off, off into the sky
he flew off in his helicopter
and never even said goodbye.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

it's not that i dont want to its just my legs are broken and i will simply die if i dont see the sea one last time before i die...

the beauty of these things is that they look the same
whether the volume is at 3 or if Nigel turns it to eleven
to see the beauty in translucent lakes of fire... yes let it all burn!!
all is beauty and thus is must not be lost upon your ears...
listen to the floor listen to the walls listen listen listen!!
nobody is talking to you... all is holy and bright...
David Bowie caught my eyelash when i blew it across the room
as a wish was granted and now i have wings...
i'm half an angel and i'm using my power to entertain you...

no i am not the boy i used to be... that boy was tossed off a bridge and left to die...
no i am not the one you used to see... the one found his wings and learned to fly...
dont be confused
this is not a poetry competition to be won
there is just one thing i want to say... one thing i want to do

travel to stonehenge and ask the waiter to pour some suga on my baked potatoe...
i want to live my life forever mispelling potaote
some kind of small yet eternal tribute to Dan Quayle
i wanna dye my hair and change my name to yellow.... that's right slick!!

i want to learn how to count to five...

i want to live inside my turntable and let you spin me
round round baby round round like a record baby!!


listening to these two songs i cannot help but wonder, "what the fuck is a horse??"
where do i find these things?? do i have to crawl through my speakers and be bludgeoned by all the chaotic beauty of musical stallions long and hard... sexual harassment is what one might think, but you've got it all wrong.. i am in the kitchen sink and this is my song... this is my song...

yeah got me some horses... i bought them at the five and dime.  Billie Jean is still not my lover.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Morning on journey: Why did so many lists for the best books of 2014 fail to include "Up from the Grave: Night Huntress #7" ???

That masterpiece deserves an Oscar -- the world is not fair or enough. But there is beauty if you look for it, like my cat this morning, actually apologized for the fur in my cereal. Crazy? Yeah, crazy like a fox. So a word of advice, karma is all around and if you want to get to Cherry Tree Lane, all you have to do is ask a policeman, then he will probably just shoot you so best not go to that Cherry Tree Lined Lane after all and die another day.

I am writing a new list
you are worth that adoration
at 255

Morning on journey: I be on that kryptonite I be on it all night, all night all night

Dancing the hours away with you to that dark and stormy tango, which takes two to do dooby dooby do oh exchanging teacups in the night...and light it up like a lite brite that flickers on and off in the corner like a candle in a witch’s bedroom. Or like the best simile ever – “like some switched on Mondrian”, I wish I could remember Ms. Smith's song that was on that one tape I had years ago, I’d play it now, for all of you and we would at least have that – oh yeah and Paris. We'll always have Paris

...shall we dance?

Morning on journey: God save the queen and the cute lil’ groundhog that sees or fails to see shadows

Dear Everyone, what can I say? It seems that great songs only come around once in a lifetime, am I correct? If not for the dancers and prancers with their pop and rock fueled by adolescent need (for speed), it wouldn’t even be once in a lifetime, but never. And no one in music would have a song to sing. I am not cynical nor a realist. It is just that I have reached a point that the best fiction is often truth and – well my darlings, you can’t handle the truth! 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Late night menu at steak and shake (part 77)

Walking the streets of Paris after dark
Like a stray dog; the type to bark at the moon
I looked at you, you looked at me

There was blood in my lungs and love on my mind
A stranger in the fog my shadow was lost
Nothing to eat but the bones covered with frozen fish
Fried my veins... fried my veins

The river took me for a ride
The river ate me tonight
The river ate me alive
I don't wanna swim.

Friday, January 30, 2015

To Geezer Butler: (or how we all wish to be a bad ass when we are in our sixties)

i wonder what the argument was about... who's the better artist to slice your wrists to??
probably a toss up between Robert Smith and Robert Plant...
but oh god let's not forget Morrissey and Madonna...
i once had this dream that i had slit my wrists while listening to like a virgin...
that song has haunted me ever since that night in Cincinatti, Ohio

its not easy for spies like us,, just keep thinking of myself as Dan Aykroyd...
but in reality i'm more of a Bill Murray type character, with a huge imaginary fan base...
always on the run, always having to hide away like a folk family on cracker,,, or camper van beethoven.  yeah its true the song was sung by somebody else but all i ever see is them and you.

so here's to you mister butler... and this time i dont mean geezer
i meant rhett butler...  who is rhett butler??  mister rhett butler,
who are you and why did i just think of your name?

In honor of all things illuminated by the darkness at 2:45 in the morning

this moment you held her in your arms so tight she forgot the world
her lips this wickedness her tongue i bit in half and in the shadows i can hear her breathing
she is coming to claim another victim she is not leaving until she has had enough
the love tastes good when you burn the souls just right
crawls across your flesh like grasshopper drunken swine

the blood tastes like vintage clothing falling apart at the seams
you want to touch her flesh but shes so distant it seems
cant penetrate the fabric of our being
can't infiltrate the message of our dreams

where is this light crawling form my limbs were are the trees
in the forest at night all i see are flames where are you taking me?
why am i not afraid to follow your wings wherever they're taking the ash
there is nothing more sacred in this world than the lightning flash

the arms of god reaching down and up so fast our minds cannot begin to comprehend
just go to sleep my love go to sleep my love close your eyes now
go into the forest and wake up all the cows teach them how to sin
there is no tomorrow, there is no reason to pray... there are no gods in the theater
no need to pull the shades... nobody's watching us... nothing's stopping us.

(oh Billy Corgan.. Billy Corgan, where art thou Billy Corgan??)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I've been told that i have a limit of two video per night...

So with these two videos i would like to put forth a preposition:

do not do anything that may be implied by the following songs...
do not throw your arms around the world..
do not say welcome the this planet motherfucker...
do not say welcome to anybody... fuck them

in the immortal words of some junk science fiction writer named William something or another
"this is the space age and we are here to go!!"

this is however a psycho holiday and you are invited to join us in this trip
what a long strange trip it has been, just ask poor poor Cherry (whatshisname??)
turned into an ice cream for yuppies to devour by the spoonful
where is the love?? where is this acid rain we've been promised would come??

i love this guitar and my guitar wants to kill your drumstick...
touch me touch me touch me i'm sick to death of making out with mannequins
or as Moses once said... "fuck this river man... fuck this river."

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nelles' 2 picks (two videos for the night of January 27th, 2015)

First up, an example of how to do a fucking cover of a Black Sabbath song...
(tip: you do it justice or you dont fucking do it at all)

Happy Birthday Mike Patton!!

Second Video of the night... In honor of this little story i just read about L7 

reuniting for their first show in 15 years!! Viva La Grunge!! 

(but can we please stop calling it grunge??)

Ode to a Megadeth song spelled incorrectly because proper etiquette is for those who become commandos in the fall; only to complain about their cold, cold hearts.

writing a screenplay in the backseat of this car...
she took me for a ride and now im lost on mars
no life to be seen just a desert painted
i kissed the sky and nearly fainted from the thin air
with the snow falling from the sky; are you there??

a nuclear teardrop in my eye... but i am a man so i dare not cry,
i just keep writing scenes in my mind...
occasionally i write them down but mostly they just stay inside this time capsule...
a lonely place to be when your writing a screenplay for an actress who will never read..
you don't even know her forwarding address...
where is my dress?? where is my dress??

she has left this place in search of a yellow brick something or another...
the land of oozzing pus yes the kitten whispers atom heart fucker
you better open your nose to the sound...
carry me in your arms so my feet dont touch the ground
there is no time like the present to make your presense known...
it reminds me of the day Arlo Guthrie jumped off the empire state building...
of course he never really jumped but if he had im sure this is the song he wouldve sung

oh the cure of all curses to be remember for one thing and one thing alone
the vibration of the telephone woke her up just in time to watch him laughing
as he passed by the window of her apartment on the fourteenth floor...
yeah i admit robert smith is a rather odd name for an american idol..
so is kelly clarkson but i have to admit... there is this dream
there has been this dream i have been dreaming ever since i was ten years old...
i dont remember the details but there is a cat in the window...her name is cat

and oh yeah...

oh well... time to get back to writing my symphony of destruction.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Saturday in the park: because it was very much like a dream, that night i bumped into you in the dark.

once i stood beneath your stars and you used my body as if i was made to be your stairs
i was there to help you find your way home and it all exploded
leaving me there laughing up my lungs in a fit of blood and electrical noise..
you fed me to the monsters you threw me from theses heights and you figured,
"there's no way in hell he could have survived"

that trip from the spoon, this liquid makes me grow healthy bones
healthy bones like milk to beat upon the drums
make myself be seen by the eyes of those who dare to listen to the feedback of my soul...
i am a robot and you've lost all control...
no longer will i build this city...

i built this city... i built this city but now i'm bored and old...
nothing pleases me more than to feast upon your flesh;
a rat in the night i come to wipe the slate clean...
erase the pages... yellow submarine... yellow submarine...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It wasn't a permanent vacation - back on the journey: Including all the glitter that is a girl’s best friend and being a nobody under surveillance

As the roads of Arabia wind golden threads through hills of ancient lands, so my mind reaches and finds its way to the silk, the tea, the industrial revolution. I wrote that line and now we are in a file somewhere in a back office of a government building. I hope the agent has let the coffee in the cup get cold and that my file contains a string of pearls, ones like Jackie wore or someone from that classic era of Hollywood (don’t kid yourself girl, this is the classic era of Hollywood – I’m looking at you Transformers). Oh, and diamonds too, rubies – black opals cursed as the night. Be wary of beautiful AI robot aliens (cyborgs?) wearing too much jewelry, they are spies.

Monday, January 12, 2015

tomorrow we shall have a cup of tea and sing la la la la lola!!

the most important thing, i am told, to remember when operating on a patient,
any patient is to remember that you are operating on a patient..
that is you are in control, you determine the outcome...
their life is in your hands and at any time you can turn around and say, fuck this bitch...

she's always a cunt... everytime when she comes in for an appointment,
its like she has fifteen other things to do that are more important than listening to me,
i am, after all, just her doctor... well bitch today i am god...
but it does delight me to know that you are so freaking happy... really it does.

you see its as simple as that... i can drape a sheet over your head and make you a ghost...
the question is do you want to be a happy ghost or an old miserable sonuvabitch??
a sunuvabitch who, yes!! is still breathing.... but by all means of qualification is very much a ghost...
and theyre not even happy being a ghost... they're pised with denial, and anger.

somebody once held a knife and carved anger is a gift into a tree in the midddle of a forest..
nobody has ever encountered this tree for the forest is thick and full of holes....
suck you through the floor... welcome to the basement..
nothing good ever comes from the basement... nothing ever climbs those stairs...
just sits down here and begins to mold..."the smell of cheese makes mice out of men."

A much less serious post

trying to think of something to say to go along with this song...
two years ago it was stuck in my head for about a week;
a week within that period of about three weeks when i was really into electronic music...
yes it lasted three weeks... because three days was the morning... three lovers in three ways...
even when she landed; Jane never would stay...
i'm going off to Spain she would scream at the top of her lungs,
whats the point of traveling across the universe if you're not having any fun?...
(also i think that everybody should listen to Yoko Ono at least once in their life...)

maybe just once.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Moon Rivers and Sunbeams... (because every blog should have a serious moment now and then right??)

watched this news story a few minutes ago and it made me think...
my body still has not recovered from the bolt of lightning that occured
a few minutes ago when i thought a thought and the thought was thunk... what the funk??

that being said however, i understand the need of some people to believe and worship certain figures and beliefs... more power to them.  what i dont understand is why we cant all just worship what we want and get along with eachother.... i dont understand the my god is better than your god attitude.. its like two adolescent boys in the gym shower comparing penis sizes...

Mary Jane was a prostitute on the streets of Los Angeles... the first whiff of her vagina would make you have the munchies for dayz and end the end you would get absolutely nothing accomplished but man...  cherry fucking garcia...  irresistable to even the most lactose intolerant amongst us... the angels are still lost.... sorry im not home right now im walking in the spiderwebs...  yeah gwen stefani... oh yeah Gwen stefani!!

this shit IS bananas; religious intolerance sucks...  nobody knows the answers everything is just a (somewhat) educated guess.  why then do we as humans find it necessary to fight over beliefs??  makes me hope that soon, the extraterrestials, (or 'gods' if you want to call them that) will come down and tell us just how foolish we all have been to live our lives with hearts full of useless hatred and bigotry.

until then my friends just remember one thing...

and also remember this

and this as well

in closing and in the words of Tiny Tim...


"god bless us all.. every one of us!!"