Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Moon Rivers and Sunbeams... (because every blog should have a serious moment now and then right??)

watched this news story a few minutes ago and it made me think...
my body still has not recovered from the bolt of lightning that occured
a few minutes ago when i thought a thought and the thought was thunk... what the funk??

that being said however, i understand the need of some people to believe and worship certain figures and beliefs... more power to them.  what i dont understand is why we cant all just worship what we want and get along with eachother.... i dont understand the my god is better than your god attitude.. its like two adolescent boys in the gym shower comparing penis sizes...

Mary Jane was a prostitute on the streets of Los Angeles... the first whiff of her vagina would make you have the munchies for dayz and end the end you would get absolutely nothing accomplished but man...  cherry fucking garcia...  irresistable to even the most lactose intolerant amongst us... the angels are still lost.... sorry im not home right now im walking in the spiderwebs...  yeah gwen stefani... oh yeah Gwen stefani!!

this shit IS bananas; religious intolerance sucks...  nobody knows the answers everything is just a (somewhat) educated guess.  why then do we as humans find it necessary to fight over beliefs??  makes me hope that soon, the extraterrestials, (or 'gods' if you want to call them that) will come down and tell us just how foolish we all have been to live our lives with hearts full of useless hatred and bigotry.

until then my friends just remember one thing...

and also remember this

and this as well

in closing and in the words of Tiny Tim...


"god bless us all.. every one of us!!"

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