Monday, January 12, 2015

tomorrow we shall have a cup of tea and sing la la la la lola!!

the most important thing, i am told, to remember when operating on a patient,
any patient is to remember that you are operating on a patient..
that is you are in control, you determine the outcome...
their life is in your hands and at any time you can turn around and say, fuck this bitch...

she's always a cunt... everytime when she comes in for an appointment,
its like she has fifteen other things to do that are more important than listening to me,
i am, after all, just her doctor... well bitch today i am god...
but it does delight me to know that you are so freaking happy... really it does.

you see its as simple as that... i can drape a sheet over your head and make you a ghost...
the question is do you want to be a happy ghost or an old miserable sonuvabitch??
a sunuvabitch who, yes!! is still breathing.... but by all means of qualification is very much a ghost...
and theyre not even happy being a ghost... they're pised with denial, and anger.

somebody once held a knife and carved anger is a gift into a tree in the midddle of a forest..
nobody has ever encountered this tree for the forest is thick and full of holes....
suck you through the floor... welcome to the basement..
nothing good ever comes from the basement... nothing ever climbs those stairs...
just sits down here and begins to mold..."the smell of cheese makes mice out of men."

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