Saturday, March 28, 2015

Live Slow and Dangerous (the hermaphrodite)

how did we know they were coming for us
how did we know their name
could it be that it started with us and everybody else decided to do the same
we started dancing in an awkward way trying our best to fit in nervous and jittery
we couldve been funk but we were only insane...
we shaved our heads and joined a cult...
we flew our spaceship into your heart, throug the walls we listened to the noise
we knew we were invicible we were the golden boys...
you know johnny cougar only had two arms to hold you tight

do the hermaphrodite!!

young in soul and lost on the road... we took a ride and never looked down
gone too far now its too late baby too late to turn around...
dont cry for me argentine... ruby never was my road
she listened to me as a lay silently dreaming... squished like a toad
still my guitar doesnt speak... they've brushed under the bridge
i've swallowed the worm that was in my beak,
my feast, my friends, a barbecued rib...
lifes too short not to live dngerous and slow... very very slow
you know django reinhardt only had three minutes of fame...

do the hermaphrodite!!

is there something wrong with your feet??
get up off your shoulders and dance with me.

baby you only get one chance in life
one chance.... one god-dammed mother fuckin chance..
to do the hermaphrodite!!

(if i fell in love with you id paint the sky blue and the grass would be green)

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