Friday, March 13, 2015

Day on journey: In a room with a treasure box filled with welded sparkly things, trickster puppets and dangerous toys, I found a book of faerie tales and some VHS tapes

Don’t call it a comeback, I've been here for years…come on sheeple get with the program and now my mama said to knock you the hell out..So, because I'm pretty sure this is my ma's favorite song...

And now for the soap opera story rant of the day; I must say that I had that Prince long before Cinderella even heard of that ball, so, back off bitch - it just got real. The pleasure is mine and I am charmed. Oh hell's bells I cannot believe I just called poor Cinder Ella a bitch word. I’m so sorry to all the working women out there. I also know what it is to, um like, work hard for the money and magically marry above my socio-economic status (lies lies & true lies). 

I now head to the muddy yard to bury a treasure box full of memories because while I'm on board with nursery rhymes (and rhymey things in general), these faerie tales are freakin' me out - you try eating your step sister some day - wait on second thought, that's just dirty and you'd enjoy it too much

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