Friday, July 24, 2015

Midday on Journey: Out here on the streets it's like you can't live without your radio or swimming for beginners

I have written a manifesto to the tune of The Grateful Dead's "Dark Star" from some concert back in the summer of 1981...Let me start by saying,
Music doesn't exist, if it did we would see it and I don't mean those squiggly little line things that represents music & notes on a page that some dead Italian subjectively put meaning to that we all somehow agree means what we say it means.
Well, I don't believe it.
I believe in evolution. I also certainly know that humans once rode unicorns; just everyone thought they were dinosaurs, but dinosaurs - as we know were unlucky with that comet thing long before the first human baby boy and girl were born and had more baby human boys and girls and on and on.
I believe the children are our future, I just don't care
I believe in feelings and world peace, I just don't care
I believe in love and the Alpha (Romeo) and the Omega (Oldsmobile) and all that exists between heaven and earth.
I believe in Angels (Anaheim)
I believe that manifestos are lies, lies & lies thought up by some lone crazy who more likely than not believes in unicorns.
So, where does that leave you all who will sign on to this manifesto and pass legislation to enact laws to carry out
my demands?
Oh hell I don't care.

Sincerely and Truly Yours Forever,
Mrs. Christmas July

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