Thursday, April 30, 2015

Number Sicks

Like listening to an Oasis song without any Beatles references... well not quite, i suppose there is a vague reference to the Beatles in this song, and finding the beatles references in Oasis songs is 83 percent of the fun of listening to the music... nobody will get this but me... lyrics are awesome.

but all of this just makes me wonder how a one-legged man could climb a wall in search of something he had never seen... that is why we call these things dreams and if we were afraid to dream, we need to remember the one-legged man hobbling about all full of courage and determination, and yet we tell ourselves we cannot do it...  

 but if i can climb a wall then you can climb a wall and we all can climb walls all the live long day.. climbing walls is fun isn't it?? (you have to say that with a british accent or else it doesnt really matter)

the important thing is to never give up, no matter how impossible your dream.. just keep going and going and going....

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