Wednesday, February 4, 2015

it's not that i dont want to its just my legs are broken and i will simply die if i dont see the sea one last time before i die...

the beauty of these things is that they look the same
whether the volume is at 3 or if Nigel turns it to eleven
to see the beauty in translucent lakes of fire... yes let it all burn!!
all is beauty and thus is must not be lost upon your ears...
listen to the floor listen to the walls listen listen listen!!
nobody is talking to you... all is holy and bright...
David Bowie caught my eyelash when i blew it across the room
as a wish was granted and now i have wings...
i'm half an angel and i'm using my power to entertain you...

no i am not the boy i used to be... that boy was tossed off a bridge and left to die...
no i am not the one you used to see... the one found his wings and learned to fly...
dont be confused
this is not a poetry competition to be won
there is just one thing i want to say... one thing i want to do

travel to stonehenge and ask the waiter to pour some suga on my baked potatoe...
i want to live my life forever mispelling potaote
some kind of small yet eternal tribute to Dan Quayle
i wanna dye my hair and change my name to yellow.... that's right slick!!

i want to learn how to count to five...

i want to live inside my turntable and let you spin me
round round baby round round like a record baby!!

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