Saturday, March 28, 2015

Live Slow and Dangerous (the hermaphrodite)

how did we know they were coming for us
how did we know their name
could it be that it started with us and everybody else decided to do the same
we started dancing in an awkward way trying our best to fit in nervous and jittery
we couldve been funk but we were only insane...
we shaved our heads and joined a cult...
we flew our spaceship into your heart, throug the walls we listened to the noise
we knew we were invicible we were the golden boys...
you know johnny cougar only had two arms to hold you tight

do the hermaphrodite!!

young in soul and lost on the road... we took a ride and never looked down
gone too far now its too late baby too late to turn around...
dont cry for me argentine... ruby never was my road
she listened to me as a lay silently dreaming... squished like a toad
still my guitar doesnt speak... they've brushed under the bridge
i've swallowed the worm that was in my beak,
my feast, my friends, a barbecued rib...
lifes too short not to live dngerous and slow... very very slow
you know django reinhardt only had three minutes of fame...

do the hermaphrodite!!

is there something wrong with your feet??
get up off your shoulders and dance with me.

baby you only get one chance in life
one chance.... one god-dammed mother fuckin chance..
to do the hermaphrodite!!

(if i fell in love with you id paint the sky blue and the grass would be green)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


there's nothing more exhilarating than a head on collision with a star... when it happens and you don't even realize what is taking place.  one moment you're here the next you're just a victim of outer space... the only thing you can do is wear protective gear.  i walked around all night long singing Lionel Richie songs and thinking i was Machiavelli... i wanted to rule the world so that i could serve as a warning to others that they do not want to rule the world.. but everybody wants to rule the world, just ask Mr. Moses on his motorbike..

 tonight, tonight tonight ohhhhh!!!  you see tonight he is not busy parting the red seas, there are no followers in need of being saved... today is a day of relaxation and inebriation. he is on his way to see a concert, you see the drummer of one of his childhood favorite bands recently made the transition from mere mortal to a god, and there shall be a celebration in heaven tonight.. all the good people will be there... so satisfied you better start me up... if you start me up start me up... don't ever stop.

to every chemical reaction there is an equal chemical reaction... to every season turn turn turn... im not really sure what all of this means, but have you ever gone for a ride on her black wings??  do you know the bird i am talking of?? she is an angel and in her resides all the secrets that us mere mortals cannot seem to comprehend... that my children is why we need his brain

and if all of this doesn't work.. if he is too smart to fall into the trap we have an endless line-up of similar gods... all subject to our fillet of fish sandwich... i don't eat fish they have feelings, right Kurt?

"off with their heads... off with their mother fuckin heads!!" the killer queen, she screams... a little Freddie in the system but i am not afraid of poltergeists or beetle-juice i am out... among the rockets and i have my own air force ones... give me two pair, cause i need two pairs...

there is indeed something in the way, but im not going to move it tonight... the barricade was put there for a reason and i am the first to admit that i am not quite punk rock enough to crash through anything other than those stars that shine in the cloudy sky tonight... oh come... oh come to me!!

no tornadoes to keep us warm we sit here confused amazed and amused... yes we have come this far and there is no end in sight... ive got a feeling... yes i got a feeling everything is going to be alright.

(Rest in Peace A.J. Pero)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Day on journey: In a room with a treasure box filled with welded sparkly things, trickster puppets and dangerous toys, I found a book of faerie tales and some VHS tapes

Don’t call it a comeback, I've been here for years…come on sheeple get with the program and now my mama said to knock you the hell out..So, because I'm pretty sure this is my ma's favorite song...

And now for the soap opera story rant of the day; I must say that I had that Prince long before Cinderella even heard of that ball, so, back off bitch - it just got real. The pleasure is mine and I am charmed. Oh hell's bells I cannot believe I just called poor Cinder Ella a bitch word. I’m so sorry to all the working women out there. I also know what it is to, um like, work hard for the money and magically marry above my socio-economic status (lies lies & true lies). 

I now head to the muddy yard to bury a treasure box full of memories because while I'm on board with nursery rhymes (and rhymey things in general), these faerie tales are freakin' me out - you try eating your step sister some day - wait on second thought, that's just dirty and you'd enjoy it too much

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Just say no to Ike (and other things i have learned from her long legs)

to ogle over Tina Turner's long legs seems at her age to be a little more than disturbing but damn... have you seen her legs??  i remember being 15 and working at her concert at Sandstone Amphitheater... so much alcohol was served at that concert.. the police checkpoints outside the venue were hideous. and her legs... her legs oh my god those legs... (truth be told i am not a big Tina turner fan and had forgotten all bout her until recently)

the other night at work, my manager walks into the warehouse and proceeds to tell us, jokingly of course that tonight was Tina Turner night and launches into a horrific rendition of proud mary which i make worse by joining in in true Tina Turner fashion.. "fast and furious, oh my fucking god here comes Ike" style... then we try to think of other Tina Turner songs... it is then that i realize i only know 4 Tina Turner songs off the top of my head... we even went to different apps on our phones trying to find a different Tina Turner song... the results were always the same... i guess she only has four songs.

but those legs...  did i mention those legs??

(truth be told, i've learned nothing from those legs.)