Wednesday, February 18, 2015

it was all a thumbtack,
(the blood dripped from the palm of my hand)

One day i woke up and i still think i was Axl Rose, i arrived... i'm alive
ten minutes late to the show, and they had already begun to tear apart my corpse
to be honest i didn't care to stop the festivities, it was bound to happen eventually...
they love their corpses nice and warm, the blood still dripping the heart still beating...
i couldn't cry out and tell them that i was still breathing... why ruin their fantasy??
Paul is dead... Paul is dead and they need another hero to rape

these motherfuckers seem to think that i am blinded by the sun
i know whats going on behind the moon you can't trick me
you cant trick me... i'm on to your little game
i've already gone insane and painted my nails a lighter shade of pale
i've already burned with these angels in heaven... they prepared me for my hell
i try to tell them to listen to Charles Mingus and leave this world behind
the future is in your hands and in the future everybody is a whore
open the door open the door an' climb inside... abandon this ship while you still can
c'mon now smile on your brother and listen to the words... i'm big in Japan.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Day on Journey: How do I kill thee? Let me count the ways and lesser thoughts on how I’ll never forget you

Buying magazines just to look at the pictures and leave them out on tables and countertops for months, indicating that I want to go to a coffee shop and talk about important topics like the threat of nuclear war but really just want to talk about the band War and that Lo Rid Dah song, considering fun facts and 1980s trivia to be what makes up the universe - all its protons, electrons and neutrons, wanting to make you see through my rose tints and never forgiving you for refusing, saying this and so much more is what makes you love me and what makes you die a little each day.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hey hey My my (rock n roll will never die...)
put a tear drop next to your eye... (we can all be little wayne)

Not sure why but i love this new -as yet unreleased- song by Steve Earle​...  truth be told i think i like any song with hey hey hey as part of the lyrics... i am a simple man... a simple man.

here's a video of him reading the lyrics/ story of the song  or if you prefer to have music with his voice...

momma told me something when i was young... i don't remember what it was, probably something along the lines of darling, don't you go and cut your hair... do you think it's gonna make him change??
yes i am the boy with a new hair-cut and it IS a pretty nice hair cut.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

to the man who forgot how to dream... wake yourself up and try again.

i heard something said once about a sailor who was lost at sea
he could taste the salt in his wounds and it reminded him that he was alive
he could feel the pain of bleeding to death and it reminded him that he could not die
not tonight... not anytime soon... not until he was feasting on her love beneath a killing moon

i remember reading something about Courtney... oh sweet vagina's of forgotten star wars
i remember hearing her confess that Kurt was in love with a certain song by echo and the bunnymen
i dont think it was bring on the dancing horses... i dont think he was one to dance
but i do remember seeing him in a ballroom gown on MTV 
yellow and hideous you took me to be yours and for that i am forever free to kiss

i guarantee you....

in a hundred years i wont remember this,

Friday, February 6, 2015

in memory of an elephant i remember from a trip to the moon... god bless you Marky Ramone

what do you do when elephants are climbing the trees??
what do you do when the elephants hide inside of me??
what do you do when Dumbo learns to fly??
what should we so with all these elephants in the sky??

the obvious answer would be to hope that they don't puke
the other possibility would be a bag of microwave popcorn
i'm not sure what that has to do with this elephant
this elephant who is wearing my shoes

he took off like a helicopter
took off, off into the sky
he flew off in his helicopter
and never even said goodbye.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

it's not that i dont want to its just my legs are broken and i will simply die if i dont see the sea one last time before i die...

the beauty of these things is that they look the same
whether the volume is at 3 or if Nigel turns it to eleven
to see the beauty in translucent lakes of fire... yes let it all burn!!
all is beauty and thus is must not be lost upon your ears...
listen to the floor listen to the walls listen listen listen!!
nobody is talking to you... all is holy and bright...
David Bowie caught my eyelash when i blew it across the room
as a wish was granted and now i have wings...
i'm half an angel and i'm using my power to entertain you...

no i am not the boy i used to be... that boy was tossed off a bridge and left to die...
no i am not the one you used to see... the one found his wings and learned to fly...
dont be confused
this is not a poetry competition to be won
there is just one thing i want to say... one thing i want to do

travel to stonehenge and ask the waiter to pour some suga on my baked potatoe...
i want to live my life forever mispelling potaote
some kind of small yet eternal tribute to Dan Quayle
i wanna dye my hair and change my name to yellow.... that's right slick!!

i want to learn how to count to five...

i want to live inside my turntable and let you spin me
round round baby round round like a record baby!!


listening to these two songs i cannot help but wonder, "what the fuck is a horse??"
where do i find these things?? do i have to crawl through my speakers and be bludgeoned by all the chaotic beauty of musical stallions long and hard... sexual harassment is what one might think, but you've got it all wrong.. i am in the kitchen sink and this is my song... this is my song...

yeah got me some horses... i bought them at the five and dime.  Billie Jean is still not my lover.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Morning on journey: Why did so many lists for the best books of 2014 fail to include "Up from the Grave: Night Huntress #7" ???

That masterpiece deserves an Oscar -- the world is not fair or enough. But there is beauty if you look for it, like my cat this morning, actually apologized for the fur in my cereal. Crazy? Yeah, crazy like a fox. So a word of advice, karma is all around and if you want to get to Cherry Tree Lane, all you have to do is ask a policeman, then he will probably just shoot you so best not go to that Cherry Tree Lined Lane after all and die another day.

I am writing a new list
you are worth that adoration
at 255

Morning on journey: I be on that kryptonite I be on it all night, all night all night

Dancing the hours away with you to that dark and stormy tango, which takes two to do dooby dooby do oh exchanging teacups in the night...and light it up like a lite brite that flickers on and off in the corner like a candle in a witch’s bedroom. Or like the best simile ever – “like some switched on Mondrian”, I wish I could remember Ms. Smith's song that was on that one tape I had years ago, I’d play it now, for all of you and we would at least have that – oh yeah and Paris. We'll always have Paris

...shall we dance?

Morning on journey: God save the queen and the cute lil’ groundhog that sees or fails to see shadows

Dear Everyone, what can I say? It seems that great songs only come around once in a lifetime, am I correct? If not for the dancers and prancers with their pop and rock fueled by adolescent need (for speed), it wouldn’t even be once in a lifetime, but never. And no one in music would have a song to sing. I am not cynical nor a realist. It is just that I have reached a point that the best fiction is often truth and – well my darlings, you can’t handle the truth! 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Late night menu at steak and shake (part 77)

Walking the streets of Paris after dark
Like a stray dog; the type to bark at the moon
I looked at you, you looked at me

There was blood in my lungs and love on my mind
A stranger in the fog my shadow was lost
Nothing to eat but the bones covered with frozen fish
Fried my veins... fried my veins

The river took me for a ride
The river ate me tonight
The river ate me alive
I don't wanna swim.