Thursday, October 22, 2015

If Morrissey's name was Rudy, or Ruby, or even Moby
(then he would not be Morrissey would he?)

This is a message to you Rudy...

Anyway I hope you're doing good;  well at least better now that you have changed your name to Ruby and set out to find the yellow brick whatever and those glass slippers, yes it always was a sleeping beauty kind of thing, do you remember that time I bought snow white just so I could watch the seven dwarves dance around her feet??

There is no video to explain my intentions, no emotion to deep to describe this feeling.  yes! if I was lost I think I could always buy a map. There are many ways to develop a film and the easiest way is to stop taking showers.

(this post has nothing to do with Morrissey or Gwen Stefani)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Baby you can drive your car
(mine's full of little critters i refuse to kill)

At the same time every day and every night, the trick it seems is to already be awake,
to be ready for the cold chills at that very minute. To solve the mystery of 4:15,
the very minute when in the summer of 2009

I noticed a hairy spider crawling on my arm as I drove my car down I-35.
I did not flinch I was not scared, I knew the spiders message, 
I just hung my hand out the window and waited for the light to change on the exit ramp.

when you reach your destination what happens next?  have you found what you're looking for??
like those white spiders who were on the windshield of my car the other night
they didn't move; just sat there staring at me driving through the fog;
hitchhikers from another planet; lost beneath the light of the moon.