Friday, December 11, 2015

My heroes have always been cowboys...

yesterday they laid another one of my heroes to rest; a rest very much deserved. Just as i realized when my father died; whatever demons he had are gone now and although it is not the exit intended, he has escaped the asylum and is now wandering the streets of heaven looking for the girl with kaleidoscope eyes... a voice says, "let me take you down, because i'm going to, strawberry fields..." yes the devil is a gentleman and he is there to ask you how you take your chocolate.

yesterday when i was at work and heard the news, i literally had tears in my eyes... one always hopes that the heroes of their youth will follow them into their old age... how awesome it would've been to be in an old folks home with him?? now i'm afraid i will be the only crazy one there in my wheelchair staring at the walls and screaming out, "pretty penny was her name, she was loved and we all will miss her."

words may not be spoken while you are alive to encompass what you mean to somebody, or to express how you have affected or touched their lives, it is important to remember, everything you do affects somebody... a few days ago would've been my father's seventy-fifth birthday and although we didn't have the perfect relationship, i miss him every day. watching my son grow up and knowing that the only way he will ever get to know his grandpa is through stories that i choose to tell, breaks my heart to no end. i often think, what if my father had chosen to be a healthier person, what if he had put down the cigarettes, put away his hatred, and paid attention to what his body was telling him?? would he still be here today?? would my son have had a grandpa who could teach him how to raise hell on the CB radio?? how to play video games?? how to solve cryptograms and crossword puzzles in minutes flat as if it was truly nothing at all?? i don't know all the answers, but i think part of longevity in life is letting the past be the past...letting go of stress and pain; knowing your own strengths and weaknesses; being accepting of others and their faults and smiling... Smiling is the most important thing!!

(and breathing, don't forget to breathe!)