Wednesday, September 30, 2015

you stared into my eyes (once upon a time)

left me on my back asleep to dream and i wonder where you are tonight?
what are you doing in the staircase of an abandoned motel??
did you find what you were looking for when you jumped into the lake?
will you ever admit to yourself that this was all just a mistake?

i've forgiven you a long time ago
these memories haunt me i know
i cant forget the taste of something on my tongue
until i remove my clothes and walk into the wilderness alone
i cannot begin to be myself until i realize that i too am a clone

these pages left in the machine and my hand is on the heart
you said it would be different
you would not let yourself get attached
it would be easy to walk away, to throw a match,
i love to smell the flesh melting as your fire spreads
your legs are like visions of something i cannot grasp
i'm thunderbolt... i'm thunderbolt; where is my flask?

i'm walking away.

start with desire and slide through the window
slide down the rainbow to slide down the rainbow
touch the lightning flash feel the drying of the leaves
monkeys are dying, a forest crying inside of me
tonight all i ask is please let me hear you scream 

my heart is bursting into flames and i wonder what was your fear??
not what you wanted to hear, but its the only thing keeping me here.
my amnesia trying to climb the umbrella to the gates
find the source of this pain, it took me this long to escape.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Fish Called Ghostbusters

Sometimes you have to wonder why we were put on this planet... 
why of all the rocks floating in space did our spaceship decide that this was the best one to crash into? 
we will never know the answer, nobody has the brain of the spaceship or the heart of john f kennedy, 
these things are lost forever to the wind that blows through her skeleton when she walks... 
yes lady liberty is not afraid of a midnight stroll through central park... or satan after dark
misheard lyrics through the fog, the obvious songs to be sung will not be acknowledged in this post, 
if you dont get the map, i hope it has burned in transit... 
somethings are meant to be lost in translation. 

here's to you Bill Murray!  who you gonna call??