Friday, August 21, 2015

Pre-Apocalyptic Poster of Nikki Sixx

dear god,
i had forgotten how it hurts to feel your heart beating
you keep punching me in the side trying to get me to move
but this building is crumbling and you think i am an architect
id make you an igloo and keep you warm until it all melts
the polar bears are sweating my darling; i'm so dumb
do you think you could give them a shave??

maybe try to keep them alive for a little longer and i can fix
swap hearts; only you, know what i'm thinking of
my chem-trails are burning; the arrow splits
oily skin my device triggers emotion instead of numb
only god only god lies bleeding in the middle of the road
my eyes are tearing up; i'm choking on your blood
I've had enough; I've had enough
i cant stand to watch the birds
as they tear the guts from our bones.

(tonight i will close my eyes and dream of a home i know does not exist)
a pre-apocalyptic poster of Nikki Sixx.